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Previous night

Shivaay sat down on the porch swing of his house. He informed his wife that he wanted to be alone for some time even though she wasn't ready to leave him alone.

He felt like he was the sole reason for the issues in his brother's life. What if he hadn't left Oberoi mansion? What if he had interfered in their life and asked them to reconcile with their wives. He was too absorbed in creating a good atmosphere in Goa for his family that he forgot to help them in their life.

"Someone needs to talk to you" Shivaay turned his head to see Abhi standing there. "Who?" the little boy sat near him and handed him his phone and it showed 'superman daadu' written in it with Tej Singh Oberoi's picture.

Shivaay was surprised. Who informed him about Sid and Abhi? Why did he want to talk to him?

"I called him and told him that I and Abhi are in Goa with you all" Abhi said sensing the question. "I can't lie to him" he further added before handing him the phone.

"Shivaay beta, how are you?" Shivaay's blue eyes adorned with tears threatening to fall. "Bade papa...how are you and badi maa doing?" Shivaay asked back.

Shivaay always adored Tej even though he wasn't such a good father or husband, he earned good image for the family as a businesman, he had brought Oberoi industries to high level and Tej was Shivaay's idol since childhood.

"Jhanvi is doing well and because of her I am half-good" a chuckle left from both sides. "How is maa, Shakti, pinky, Anika and OmRu doing?" Tej further asked and Shivaay replied "All are doing well".

"And what are doing in the cold, Shivaay? You already have sputum in chest and now do you really want to drink Anika's green drink" Tej laughed while Shivaay's face mirrored horror reminiscing the kadaa that will make him puke. But a moment later he was wondering how Tej knows that?

"Well you know Sid na? He is exactly like Rudr, there won't be anything that happens inside the house without his knowledge" Tej said answering the question.

"But Shivaay that's not why I called you now. I called you because Abhi told me how you have been quiet with pinky. I know what she did was wrong but she is your mother, Shivaay and you shouldn't feel guilty for the blunder your brothers did" Tej said in a soft tone.

"But bade papa, how cam Mom do that to our Rudy?" Shivaay asked in a broken tone. "Because she loves you, Shivaay. For her Rudy maybe important but she gives you value than anything else. She is in a dream world where she thinks whatever she is doing is good for you" Tej explained to Shivaay. "Just like how I hurt Omkara and Jhanvi" Tej said in a soft tone.

"No bade papa..." Shivaay couldn't find the exact words to console the man. "Shivaay, she is just being a selfish mother. And she will be heart-broken if you start ignoring her. You can talk to her and try to mend things" Tej advised while Shivaay nodded a 'no' to himself. "She tried to break my brothers, bade papa" Shivaay said in a rigid tone.

"Shivaay, you aren't talking to your mother because your brothers are important to you and she did all the wrong things because she felt the world should revolve around you and you are important to her. And now you have no difference from her" Tej further said before Jhanvi's words was heard in the background.

Jhanvi : Tej, it's getting late. Why aren't you asleep?

Tej: I was just talking to my girlfriend?

Shivaay's eyes got wide in surprise and smile spread on his face hearing his bade papa teasing his badi maa for the first time.

Jhanvi : Check your lenses power and look at yourself in the mirror! Badi aayi handsome.

Tej : Well you married this not-so-handsome person

Jhanvi : I had bad luck at that time.

Tej : Darling, I am there in both your bad luck and good luck.

Shivaay closed his mouth in shock hearing that. A moment later he heard a 'muah' before the door closing sound was heard.

"Before you say anything, just because I am old and you are in phone, I won't stop romancing my wife" Tej said and Shivaay chuckled feeling happy for his bade papa and Badi maa.

"Bade papa, will you be able to forgive OmRu?" Shivaay asked and there was a silence for few minutes before Tej answered "They hurt my daughters, Shivaay. I am not sure but Gauri, bhavya, kids and Jhanvi are my world and I don't think I will be able to tolerate against them" Tej said and Shivaay hummed in response.

"Good night and tell everyone my wishes" Tej said before disconnecting the call.

"What are you both doing?" Omkara asked seeing his Anika bhabhi and his little brother looking out of their house hiding. "O, Shivaay bhaiyya is talking to someone on phone and I am thinking it might be Maa threatening him too" Rudr said in worry.

Ever since the phone call he could hear his mother's shouting even during the day time.

"I am sure it's a girl otherwise why Shivaay's cheeks are getting warmer" Anika said imaging her own things. "Oh bete ki! My life is getting ruined" Anika hugged her brother-in-law and both started their drama crying much to Omkara's annoyance.

"Bhabhi, I am sure Shivaay is in phone regarding new project or something. You need rest otherwise your mind will create new stories" Anika huffed before going to her room. She will get her husband when he come to their room.

"Why are you both walking like conjoined twins?" Sid joked seeing his chachu clutching to his father. Omkara tried to get rid of his brother once again with no use.

"Rudr, what is your problem?" Omkara asked irritated. "O, whenever I enter the room. I hear Mom's voice and I can't sleep. Please let me be with you" Rudr cried as he rembered his horrible nightmare. "Oh! That's because I play the recording whenever you are in your room" Sid said and ran from there before Om or Rudr could react.

Present day morning

"It's good to have coffee while sitting outside enjoying the greenery" Omkara said as all of them sat outside having their coffees. Abhi's head was buried in his book, the boy was preparing for his competition while Sid was enjoying much to Abhi's annoyance saying that only those who do hardwork will be able to achieve something.

"Bhabhi, look who is here...bhaiyya's sauten'' Rudr said and everyone turned their head towards the gate and saw Khanna after a decade. "Khanna mamu" the kids ran towards and Khanna and jumped on him while Khanna stood there in shock seeing the kids with Oberois.

He just had one thought in his mind, "Mann mein shanka, lagg gayi lanka"

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