Love in the Dark (LarssonSiblingsSeries#1)

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Author : HTEllis


In Edward Larsson's world control meant everything. After his father passed down the family business into his more than capable hands three years ago, he stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. Power, greed and success was his mantra and nothing would stop him from living it, Until Delilah...

Like Edward, Delilah is fighting tooth and nail to make something of her father's business. But for very different reasons. Delilah's father is sick and to afford the healthcare he needs she has to pull the dying company from the ground to its old ways.

So when a chance of a lifetime is thrown her way she can't believe her luck. One she cannot afford to ruin. The only problem? Edward wants in too and he doesn't care who he hurts in the process.

Warning: Love in the Dark contains swearing, sexual situations and adult themes. 17+ recommended.  Copyright 2017-byHTEllis. All rights reserved.

The rivalry between Edward and Delilah in the business world is like reflecting on what will happen in the real world. But I like Delilah. Strong will woman. She did everything she could to save his father's business, but nothing she will do something illegal to save it. Meanwhile, Edward. He was ruthless (not that ruthless btw). Hunger for more. More client and more money will bring Delilah's business to the pit hole.

Little did Edward realise that the feelings he had to bring Delilah down is somewhat we call it as love. There is a borderline between love and hate. Hate can turn into love and vice versa. I also love how supporting Delilah is to his sister and Edward helping Delilah in managing herself to be healthy because of his past.

Oh! Btw! I wanted to read other Larsson Siblings Series but I'm still contemplating.

All in all health is important y'all. XOXO

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