Heartbeats and halos: a journey of...by Asiyya
Book Description:
"Heartbeats and Halos: A Journey of Self-Discovery" is a powerful collection of poems that explores love, heartache, and personal growth. Fro...
POEMS BY ME and songsby storysandpoems
hey I write songs and poems and would like to show them here. I write them in German but mostly in English. I would be happy about your opinion and about a few readers b...
Poetry Journalby lonely.
Started posting again but it's not going to be daily, just whenever I feel like posting. I write a lot, but I don't publish most of them.
One Sided Love by Laura✦
This is my true story about a boy in my class about how I kept trying to impress him and make him love me and still am trying but he will never care about me and I think...
A Collection of Poems by Death is Life
This simply contains the poems I've written since 2020. I've decided to publish it just to continue on picking up the pen day by day. Time is running low for me to waste...
Illusionby Wild_heartbeats
Unsaid thoughts.....
Unsaid words....
Unsaid feelings....
Unsaid adventures of my mind....
Poems by Meby TaylorTheArtist12
Sometimes, I think deep. Here are some of my deep thoughts, in poem form. You don't have to read this, but if you do, okay I guess. :)
I Turned Shadows Into Silhouettes by Natasha672303
Through time shadows have been used in writing to display imagery of darkness. They have been used to capture feelings of uncertainty, deceit, negativity, and shame. On...
The Color Of Youby Miamiwriter
Don't look at the color of their skin. Look at what is inside of them and how they treat you as a person.
Anthologyby naeema smith
Poems written by me. Be it sad, happy or anything in between all these poems tells a small story about me. A friend told me once to write down all the feelings that I ca...
A Loose Collection of Sporadic Tho...by emiliapeters327
A collection of all the poetry I've written, in no particular order, with no particular theme. If you don't mind the chaos, come take a peek.
Words Of A Teenage Girlby ꪖ𝓲ꪑꫀꫀ
-All little poems written by me :)
-Please vote and comment
-Lemme know what you think <3