Who We Are - Ambassadors

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The Ambassadors are a worldwide team of volunteers who help Wattpad with the day to day running of the Community.

This profile is where the English language team reside, but we also have bespoke language teams for Spanish and Filipino. Additionally, many more languages are supported by our Ambassadors who are often bilingual.

All our Ambassadors are hand picked by the Wattpad team from those who submit to join the program. All are trained, and sometimes engage with the staff at Wattpad HQ on various projects. The Ambassadors are all volunteers and freely give their time and energy to keep Wattpad the remarkable Community it is today.

Our International Ambassadors

The main languages aside from English that are fully supported by the team are Spanish and Filipino. However, we also help support many more languages via specific Community language hubs. These are listed below:

AmbassadorsPH - Filipino

AmbassadorsES - Spanish

AmbassadorsPT - Portuguese

AmbassadorsTR - Turkish

AmbassadorsDE - German

AmbassadorsRU - Russian

AmbassadorsID - Indonesian

AmbassadorsFR - French

AmbassadorsRO - Romanian

AmbassadorsITA - Italian

AmbassadorsNL - Dutch

AmbassadorsSE - Swedish

AmbassadorsCZSK - Czechs/Slovakian

AmbassadorsGR - Greek

AmbassadorsIN - Indian

AmbassadorsAR - Arabian

AmbassadorsPL - Polish

AmbassadorsDK - Danish

AmbassadorsMY - Malaysian

AmbassadorsJP - Japanese

AmbassadorsLK - Sri Lankan

AmbassadorsCN - Chinese

AmbassadorsTH - Thai

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