
i wanna cry so bad and vent to sm1 but im afraid theyll judge me


@untruthful_yukio Bae, it's okay. It's not your fault you lost feelings for that girl, in fact, everybody would lose feelings over someone. It's 100℅ okay to leave someone once you feel that you're already getting cramped and sandwiched up by many situations, it doesn't mean you're selfish or anything, it means that you tried to save yourself from stress. Lovey, you aren't making people obsessed with you, it's just that, people might've probably saw the good in you, and found something inside of you which is love that no person on this planet that can ever give them. If it's obsession, then that's not love bae, that's called getting attatched. The person might've gotten so attatched to you that when  you decided to leave, she couldn't accept it. And that's normal since that girl is already super attatched to you. Though I don't really call it love, as obsession and love are two distinct things. 
          	  Though that doesn't mean you are at fault. You just need time to fully surrender yourself, and to heal aswell. Wounds take time to heal, lovey, and it's important to focus on yourself more than love. It's okay, bebe, it was never your fault you already lost feelings. <3<3<3


this message may be offensive
it hurts so much, im literally crying my shits out. I wanna fucking die.


i wanna cry so bad and vent to sm1 but im afraid theyll judge me


@untruthful_yukio Bae, it's okay. It's not your fault you lost feelings for that girl, in fact, everybody would lose feelings over someone. It's 100℅ okay to leave someone once you feel that you're already getting cramped and sandwiched up by many situations, it doesn't mean you're selfish or anything, it means that you tried to save yourself from stress. Lovey, you aren't making people obsessed with you, it's just that, people might've probably saw the good in you, and found something inside of you which is love that no person on this planet that can ever give them. If it's obsession, then that's not love bae, that's called getting attatched. The person might've gotten so attatched to you that when  you decided to leave, she couldn't accept it. And that's normal since that girl is already super attatched to you. Though I don't really call it love, as obsession and love are two distinct things. 
            Though that doesn't mean you are at fault. You just need time to fully surrender yourself, and to heal aswell. Wounds take time to heal, lovey, and it's important to focus on yourself more than love. It's okay, bebe, it was never your fault you already lost feelings. <3<3<3


this message may be offensive
it hurts so much, im literally crying my shits out. I wanna fucking die.


Hi pookie, i'll sing you a song if you want ehheheheheh 


@untruthful_yukio okay, my honeybunchsugarplumpookiwookiesnookiedookielookiebearputobombomicingsaibabawngcupcakeko

