
Posting 3 story development chapters at once because I'm feeling depressed , hope you liked them 


hello author, love your works <3 and i was wondering if you would want to have a cover for your jay centric book (i am not a part of any sort of cover shop but i would have no problem making one for you) ofc, only if you’d like one <3


@pjsluv02 shshjs okay! do u have any specifications in mind? 


@_anamor ofc if you can help me with that I'll be so grateful! 


never read anything like stars, this was a bittersweet one but i think you did the book justice. well done! <3


yeah i read it one go lol, couldn’t keep it down. and i think though the ending is sad, it’s perfect because if they had gotten a happy one, it wouldn’t be realistic at all.


@_anamor I'm so happy you loved it  saw you were binge reading it and hoped you don't feel less than satisfied with the ending ❤️ <3 thank you so much !!