
          Junie realized she was hurting her aunt and she stopped with the comments. She glanced at her fingers, thinking for a moment. "I'm...sorry. About you losing your brother. And...if it's any consolation I'll go," she whispered softly. "Can I crash here so we can go together? It's tomorrow evening, right?" The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 


"I don't wanna go..." Junie (I didn't even mean to give them the same first initial but I call her Harley <33) was curled up, holding her knees.
          "I don't even know the guy! Cemeteries creep me out...Max is pressuring me to go to 'meet him' but I can't even talk to him. I've been...I'm hiding from her, and I've been putting her off, and she's getting pissed..." The year was 2003, 20 years after Billy passed, and it was supposed to be this big thing.


@bblgm_btch Joan nods and pats Junie's back with a small smile. "Yeah, of course, you really don't have to go if you want to though, remember you have free will." Joan get's up and holds out her hand for Junie to take if she wishes to do so.
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@bblgm_btch Joan let's out a slight wince and nods slowly. "Yeah...I can see where you're coming from..." She looks down at Junie and gives her a small shrug. "I think it matters so much to Max because he was our brother...and if he had lived he'd most likely as spoil the hell out of you." Joan gives her a strained smile.
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@bblgm_btch (love that they have the same first initial honestly)
            Joan tilted her head and stayed completely silent for a few moments, not really knowing how to respond. She ultimately let out a quiet sigh and sat down next to Junie, hesitating for a bit before placing a hand on her back. "Well...it's ultimately up to you if you decide to go or not. Max is stubborn as hell but she can't force you to do something you aren't ready to do..."
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Going back to Joan because she's my bb.