
can confirm i’m still alive! and will update one of the fics soon if ppl still want it


Hi there :D how are you? I hope you are well and fine~ ^^ anyway, I wanna appreciate your works. I think it's really good. If you're planning to write anytime soon, I'll be waiting :) anyway, do you have any social media where I can follow you? I have instagram :3


hey y’all,
          i’m seriously considering deleting most of my fanfics as they were started a long time ago and i don’t feel like they exhibit my best work,
          i’ll post new fics that have more time put into them but if you can’t find a story that is most likely why.
          hope you’re having a good day :) 


@kyoutanisgirlfriend will you be keeping the Sugawara one?


hi y’all! i’m thinking about moving to ao3 or posting different/new stuff over there, would y’all come with me if i did?


@kagewho oo alrightt!! <3


@wuvlex i’ll definitely keep posting on here either way!! so if it’s difficult for you don’t worry about it !


idk  ao3 is still quite difficult for me to navigate ‍♀️ but i’m sure i can try to see your work 


hey guys,
          sorry i haven’t updated anything in a while but. i’m studying for alevels :(
          if any of y’all want something updating while i’m on xmas break please lmk


@lisalovesyuu i just updated that yesterday! there’s another coming soon


@kagewho the iwaizumi one! 


I was looking around for Kenma fanfics but none of the stories seemed to interest me until I read yours >_<. After that I started reading all of your other books that were published and I have to say that they're all thought out so well and these books made me a cry and fangirl over them so hard!!( ´∀`)☆I hope you continue publishing these amazing books! That was all I wanted to say and have a nice day or afternoon or if it's night for you than have a good night!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧