
Hello everyone,
          	I've had a pretty good time with Wattpad and still do...
          	I've decided to take down Dark One from Wattpad. This decision wasn't made lightly. After lots of planning and consideration, I've decided to take the series to another platform.
          	So, if you're looking to continue enjoying Dark One, come over to RoyalRoad(.)com and search for fantasyretreat. 


          	  Hi, I took a break of writing my story because of my personal life, and I'm hoping that you're here if you're reading this.



Hello everyone,
          I've had a pretty good time with Wattpad and still do...
          I've decided to take down Dark One from Wattpad. This decision wasn't made lightly. After lots of planning and consideration, I've decided to take the series to another platform.
          So, if you're looking to continue enjoying Dark One, come over to RoyalRoad(.)com and search for fantasyretreat. 


            Hi, I took a break of writing my story because of my personal life, and I'm hoping that you're here if you're reading this.



          Three Chapters in 1 week. This is a record guys. ✨
          Dark One is getting more and more interesting. Jerome and his mates and rivals are heading to unknown territory to seek opportunities. 
          Check out the new chapter to enjoy the story


Hey! I noticed your promoting your book. I would love to support you (you’re ana making writer) if you wouldn’t mind supporting mine too! Right now I’m currently working on two books The Rogue Prince (published) and I Want a Boyfriend (still in the works). Let me know, thanks!


@stardusterbitch no problems. I would check yours out now. And thanks


Amazing**, oopsies


Hello, Wattpaders. So I've been spending the holidays know, just to take a break.
          I trust the New Year celebrations should have ended and work should resume soon.
          I for one have a lot of jobs to do...
          Anyways, I'm back and Dark One continues..
          Chapter Fifteen is out today!!!
          Happy reading guys...


Dear readers,
          I hope this message finds you well as we approach the end of the year. I wanted to let you know that unfortunately, I will not be publishing my newest chapter today as it is New Year's Eve.
          However, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy New Year! May the new year bring you joy, love, and all the blessings you deserve.
          As we look back on the past year and all that has happened, I am reminded of how much we have been through together. I am so grateful for your support and for the opportunity to share my writing with you.
          I would also like to offer a prayer for you as we enter the new year: May God guide you and protect you, may He fill your heart with love and your life with purpose, and may He bless you with health, prosperity, and all that you need.
          Thank you again for your support and patience. I will be back with a new chapter for you as soon as possible.
          Wishing you a very happy and blessed New Year!✨✨✨


The new year is upon us...
          I hope you've written out your new year's resolutions...
          One of mine is to hit 2k views by the end of Q1!
          It's possible!!!
          Look over your new year goals again, and check to see if they are feasible...
          Now raise the bar higher!!!
          That's it...higher still!!!
          Good job (●'◡'●)