
I’m in a dry spell right now and haven’t been inspired to write lately, I’m conserving my energy since school starts in two weeks and I go back to work. Just be patient, I need the dry spell to be over


I’m not feeling inspired to write at all, my family is going away for a week and a half next Thursday and hopefully I’ll have some inspiration to write again


@VanessaSosa if anyone is interested, I'm working on a new story.. if you're into Paul McCartney fanfiction.. a very different story, than I've ever written.. I'm flexing my writing muscles, so to speak.. as I'm working on a novel, and a book of poetry, that I'm gonna get published.. I hope.. It's called "Time Glitch" 


@VanessaSosa Aww, I hope you feel alright aside of the writing juice going away. Sending all best wishes and sending loads and loads of good vibes to you <3