
My last post was too optimistic. 
          	I am deeply sorry for disapointing people. 
          	There was no Internet in the hospital so I was absent a lot. To make up for that, future parts of 'against the clock' will be longer. 
          	Also :
          	You decide!
          	Will 'against the clock' get Nsfw or should it stay innocent? 
          	The Nsfw part could be separate. It doesn't change the way the story goes.


First of all, dont feel bad dear it’s something you couldn’t control. 
          	  We are happy to know you’re doing well<3 
          	  Can’t wait for more parts. 
          	  In my opinion and thanks for asking, i’ll say go ahead with the nsfw if its not changing how the story goes<3 


My last post was too optimistic. 
          I am deeply sorry for disapointing people. 
          There was no Internet in the hospital so I was absent a lot. To make up for that, future parts of 'against the clock' will be longer. 
          Also :
          You decide!
          Will 'against the clock' get Nsfw or should it stay innocent? 
          The Nsfw part could be separate. It doesn't change the way the story goes.


First of all, dont feel bad dear it’s something you couldn’t control. 
            We are happy to know you’re doing well<3 
            Can’t wait for more parts. 
            In my opinion and thanks for asking, i’ll say go ahead with the nsfw if its not changing how the story goes<3 


Ha! I am still alive!
          My depressive episode ended with only a little more damage to myself. I consider that a total win.
          Anyway, since my children have also defeated the beast that is the flu,  expect several updates across multiple stories, this coming week!
          Lastly,  I want to say that I am truly sorry for the lack of comunication on my end. I would have never expected it but people are actualy waiting for updates to my stories. 
          I don't want to leave you guys hanging like this again so I will be working out an upload scedule. 
          Thank you, for your understanding. It truly means a lot to me.


Dropping the next chapter of 'against the clock'  on thursday.
          I'm not feeling it right now. It would have been my grandpas 81 birthday today if he hadn't taken his own life. It's especialy hard for me, since I suffer the same illness.
          I thought it wouldn't affect me So much, becouse he has been gone for six years already. But emotions hit me hard this morning.
          I am deeply sorry.