
Heya! My name is Randomia, or at least my account's name is. I am neither into writing nor do I aspire to be an author. But I am an avid reader so that's why Wattpad is the perfect site for me. It's really nice to explore different genres of books and know various writing techniques. I entertain reading requests of all those books which have tolerable grammar.


@Randomia thank you for the votes :)


Heya! My name is Randomia, or at least my account's name is. I am neither into writing nor do I aspire to be an author. But I am an avid reader so that's why Wattpad is the perfect site for me. It's really nice to explore different genres of books and know various writing techniques. I entertain reading requests of all those books which have tolerable grammar.


@Randomia thank you for the votes :)