
Sooo here I am on Wattpad for the first time in 3 years...if anyone I used to talk to on here is still active hmu✌


Okay if this is completely wrong please let me know, but I used to have an account by Shanks_ass and I used to write Maze runner fics...I used to know someone by Rocky and I was wondering if maybe you were her? Sorry I've been trying to find her forever...


@AceOwl new NOVELS? New novels??? Gahhhh I am so excited even though you probably won't post any of it until August or September. I love reading all of your works your creativity and writing skills blow me away. I look forward to reading your future novels ;)


@AceOwl Haha, I'm forever alone too!!!!! Lol xD Oh hey guess what! I decided that until school starts I'm going to sit down and write for about an hour and a half everyday and then when school does start I'll write for about 30-45 minutes each day. :) I kind of miss writing and I hate how I have so many ideas but I never write them down and continue with now I will. :D
          I LOVE YOU TOO ACE!!!!!! <333


@LoveMeAsIAm Haha! You're so nice. =) Love interests are THE BEST. Although I'm not really sure if I'm good at writing romantic scenes because I'm forever alone... XD
          Okay! I'll continue to send you a bunch of messages telling you things that you probably don't care that much about. =) 
          I LOVE YOU ROCKI! <3