
@MzJazzie: GHD is a hair brand (stands for good hair day :)) and they are the IT brand for straighteners. My mum used to be a hairdresser and she says the GHDs produce the best results by far, but she doesn't know how... anyway.. I sound like an ad for the company right now :/
          	But yeah... LOVE THEM. and the latest models are selling for about £115-120 at the moment :) but ours were FREEEEEE XD 
          	And I really hope you get a lot of feedback for 'state of denial'! 
          	*If anyone reads this... stop wasting your time here and go read MzJazzie's new story! Well all of them really!*@MzJazzie: 


Hey, i'm sorry to bother you with this, i know they're so annoying, but I was just wondering if you'd take the time to read my story "Demons Vs. Angels" ? 
          If you read it and have a suggestion I'd love to take it. It's about a demon princess who has these insane abilities because she's also part human and falls in love with a human who has a a secret that could be deadly for her. On top of that, the angels have declared war on the demons, so she has to try to get a hold on her powers before they lose. In this world, angels aren't necessarily good and demons aren't necessarily bad, and everyone has a secret.
          I'd be happy to return the favor if you'd like:)


ohmigawd, no way! seriously? 16th of march babies! :P
          aw, well, that's no problem. i think if someone has taken time out to comment, read and vote your story then you're going to have to be polite, you know? 
          and of course i will take a look at your stories! im sure they will be fabulous since we were born on the same day and all. ;) 


hello there, my name is brie - it's lovely to meet ya. :3 
          i know you must get a lot of these, or if you dont then i can guarentee you will in the future, but im afraid ill have to be one of those "irritating advertising people". ignore me if you don't give a crap, but i would appreciate it soo much if you could help me out? 
          i have four stories and im honestly struggling to keep up with them all, so if perhaps you could take a quick peep at a couple of tell me what is your favorite? 
          if you want to be even nicer, then perhaps read the whole thing, vote, comment and fan? i would love oyou forever and, of course, i would happily do the same in return. (:


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


Nothing more than a BS load of work lol  you don't actually get to relax during your last year until after graduation.  Everything is work, work, work, practice, practice, practice.  Boo.  It's the worst year, possibly even worse than Freshman year.  Been there, done that.  lol  


hi :) 
          sorry to bother you, but i was just wandering if you could read my story, Medony? i'm sorry to ask, because i know how annoying some of these comments might be, but it would mean so much to me <3 i understand if not, hahaha! thanks anyways! take care ;D