
this message may be offensive
          	Bell of it be 1am 
          	Bell of ITS MEME TIME ITS MEME TIME 
          	Bell of watching the new meme time video 
          	Bell of loving jacksepticeye 
          	Bell of Septiplier 
          	Bell of missing lamp 
          	Bell of all bells 
          	Bell of need to sleep 
          	Bell of does anyone understand 
          	Bell of you a snack 
          	Bell of bed time 
          	Bell of stop me bitch! 
          	Bell of "Holy fricky dicky dude...that was EPIC"- dave
          	Bell of TOSS BOY 
          	bell of bell time 
          	Bell of are you still reading 
          	Bell of I love you if your still reading 
          	Bell of seán loves you 
          	Bell of help my stupid brain 
          	Bell of daddy jack.....
          	Bell of disappointment 
          	Bell of I don't know anymore 
          	Bell of rip blue light 
          	Bell of goodbye good night 
          	Bell of have a good night
          	Bell of LAUGH 
          	Bell of ASS 
          	Bell of TOP OF THE MORNING 
          	bell of OK I'll stop now 
          	Bell of NEVER


Bell of Drake—


          you have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!
          now post this on on everyone's wall you think deserves all the love in the world.
          if you get:
          1-2 back = you're loved
          3-4 back = you're popular
          5-6 back = you're the most lovable person out
          9+ back = wow I'm jelly
          don't break this chain if you wanna break my heart
          (^3^)~ <3


this message may be offensive
          Bell of it be 1am 
          Bell of ITS MEME TIME ITS MEME TIME 
          Bell of watching the new meme time video 
          Bell of loving jacksepticeye 
          Bell of Septiplier 
          Bell of missing lamp 
          Bell of all bells 
          Bell of need to sleep 
          Bell of does anyone understand 
          Bell of you a snack 
          Bell of bed time 
          Bell of stop me bitch! 
          Bell of "Holy fricky dicky dude...that was EPIC"- dave
          Bell of TOSS BOY 
          bell of bell time 
          Bell of are you still reading 
          Bell of I love you if your still reading 
          Bell of seán loves you 
          Bell of help my stupid brain 
          Bell of daddy jack.....
          Bell of disappointment 
          Bell of I don't know anymore 
          Bell of rip blue light 
          Bell of goodbye good night 
          Bell of have a good night
          Bell of LAUGH 
          Bell of ASS 
          Bell of TOP OF THE MORNING 
          bell of OK I'll stop now 
          Bell of NEVER


Bell of Drake—


this message may be offensive
You ever get that feeling when you text your ex that said you can still be friends then he tells you to fuck off and you just feel like shit and feel like breaking down to cry because you knew you loved that person and your the one that fucked it all up then you realise that every relationship you are in you end up fucking it up.... Yeah that's me right now hell even my CG will not text me back and I just feel like crying like I'm literally trash.. I feel like I'm gonna fuck up another thousands relationships and that's why you are scared to be in one then anytime the person you are with is sad you just feel like it's all your fault and you feel like your falling apart and you really don't want to..... No just me ok....


this message may be offensive
It’s not just you who feels that way. My ex told me the same, that we can be friends, but after a while he started avoiding me and started saying shit about me. Saying that I was the person that ended the relationship when in reality it was him. That I was toxic, stupid, ugly and other shitty insults.
            If you wanna talk, I’m here :33