
On this day, the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riot, just remind yourself to always be true to who you are and fight back. Your existence is sacred and no one is in the right to take it from you or force you to hide it. Things may be tough now, but they will get better. #pride


Couldn’t agree more!


Hi there! I enjoyed Worthy Son, and began reading Willful. After looking at the index, I noticed that the tale hasn't updated since 2019. I was wondering if you plan to finish your story. Thanks in advance for an answer!


Hiatus good; cessation bad! Looking forward to your continuing saga of Lark, Able, et al.


@Celonecca I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I have every intention of completing Willful Son, but covid has made my writing life very difficult. I suppose I am on something of a hiatus.


On this day, the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riot, just remind yourself to always be true to who you are and fight back. Your existence is sacred and no one is in the right to take it from you or force you to hide it. Things may be tough now, but they will get better. #pride


Couldn’t agree more!


Hey, friends! Turns out The Chronicle of the Worthy Son won "Most Unique Title" over at the Materia Awards!

          Thank you, @AFleetingDream_91!


@slyeagle Congratulations!


@slyeagle  Congratulations!!!!


It's April, and 6th not 2nd like I had said, but I am back with a new chapter of Court! I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd hoped, but for now I will do once-a-week updates on Friday nights/Saturday mornings. I am doing Camp Wrimo with this project, so here's hoping for a lot of progress and I can get back to twice a week!


How Camp NaNo going? I’m doing it too & I’ve managed to write a little most days.


Hey everyone. Not sure how many of you are keeping up with Court, but I am going to take the month of March off from updating it to catch up on my buffer. I still can't believe February is over--I'm so behind on life! But I will be back April 2nd with the next chapter.


Happy 20biteen! Hey, if Twitter has declared it my year, I will entertain the possibility as long as my hope holds up. :D
          So The Chronicle of the Worthy Son has been complete for a year now. I've been querying agents, and while I struck some interest, all have been ultimately no. I'm going to keep querying this year, and also continue writing The Court of the Willful Son (part 24 is live as of today). So those are writing goals for this year.
          I also have a completely separate novel I am resolved to work on this year. It's an idea that's been sitting on my backburner a couple years waiting for me to do the research necessary to work on it, for it is hard science fiction. So, as of today I am starting my list of reference reads.
          So here's to writing goals of the new year! What are yours?


Hard sci-fi! Oddly enough, it’s often more ambitious than the soft stuff.
            The big danger is keeping it accessible. If you’re not absurdly careful, you end up too deep down the rabbit hole for anyone who isn’t a physics major to appreciate. 
            Well beyond Bill O’Reilly’s famous “tides come in and tides go out. You can’t explain that!”


@MaeveShawler The level of intimidation I am currently grappling with is the MC has a PhD in machine learning... XD


@slyeagle Science fiction! That's exciting. I can imagine the amount of research required, yeah. It can be somewhat intimidating for someone without a background in science. So fascinating though. It's a genre I want to read more of this year.  :)