
Hey everyone, I just posted chapter seven of "Mathlete to Beauty Queen." I'm sorry it's been so long, but I really hope you enjoy it! I hope you all have an awesome day!


Hewwoo :) long time no see mate 


Hey do you wanna start DMing? It’ll be easier for the both of us and everything 


I’m good :) wbu? Wait really?! I didn’t notice lol. Yeah it’s probs better if you didn’t do it actually otherwise we’d have gotten the comments up to like a thousand this time haha


I don't know that anyone is actively reading my book, "Frozen," but just in case, I wanted to let you know that I'm taking the chapters down for editing purposes. I would just edit it and keep it up, but I don't yet know how major the changes are going to be, so I just decided to take it down for the time being. Hopefully, when I'm done, it will be back and better than ever. Have a great rest of your day!


Wow... I just realized that I have been on Wattpad for more than five years now. . . I was in 6th grade when I first discovered Wattpad, now I'm in 11th. It's amazing how fast the time flies. 
          By the way, funny story. My account says that I've been on Wattpad since August 2014, but I've actually been on it for about a year longer. On my first account I got freaked out because I thought someone had hacked into my it so I deleted it. The reason I thought this was because I kept seeing "completed" on stories. I thought this meant that I had read and completed the story. At the time, it apparently didn't cross my mind that maybe that meant that the book itself had been completed...
          Anyway, it's been an awesome five years. Thank you to everyone I've talked to over this time period, and to the authors of all the amazing books I've read. And one special thank you Wattpad for consuming the last five years of my life!


Here’s the summary: 
          She watched him walk away from her all those years ago, back when they were still too young and hopelessly in love with each other. 
          He never looked back.
          He was too broken.    
          She was too innocent.
          It just wasn't meant to be.
          But half a decade later, the choices they made and paths they followed set up a strange chain of coincidences that eventually lead up to the two former lovers meeting. 
          Or more like one of them being totally clueless about the other one watching her every step.
          "I can't believe you're still the only one I'm in love with," he scoffed under his breath as the love of his life walked up the aisle to the man he had been paid to assassinate.


ReaLLY?? :) thank you! Omg thanks!  I’ll be sure to let you know when I punish it lmao ;) 


Publish* not punish, lol


You, @SnowyLeopard8 and I SOO need a group chat lmao


The annoying thing is, I didn’t used to be like this \_(‘ ‘ /)_/ but yeah now I’m such an extremely introverted nerd... but I’m trying to change! 


@queenofkinkiness102  Yes! Exactly! I am perfectly fine talking to adults, but people my age freak me out for some reason, lol. I sweat so freaking much whenever I'm around them, it's ridiculous. I'm glad someone else understands what I'm talking about!


Me freAKING too!!! I get panic attacks and start sweating like crazy when I try to talk with people my age. I don’t mind talking with others, just kids my age... and the worst part is my parents don’t believe me when I say I have that problem. 
            Yep lol I’m myself when online