About me? Oh well I like anime, and yes I am ashamed. FOOLY COOLY

I am in love with Michael Cera he is just so lovely to me.

I pretty heckin gay, I'm a trashcan and have no friends...seriously no friends so message me and be my friend o///o

Im working on my sketching and writing skills since it distracts me from my anxiety. I'm a small little peach who just wants to write and draw, I might start an art book and some stories on here hopefully soon.

Ahh someone talk to me about Lissy Trullie gosh she's perfect

Umm Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Syd Barret, and Roger Waters are literally Gods, we need to appreciate these men don't argue with me about this.
  • Depression City Your next stop hunny c:
  • JoinedJune 12, 2015