
I wanna make a book but my friends discouraged me by saying I never finish them I think I'm just gonna pre-make it and post it later on in the future but WHO KNOWS LIKE MY FRIENDS SAID- I MIGHT NOT EVEN FINISH IT


          	  i never finish mine either... but i post em anyway xD YOU SHOULD TRY!


I wanna make a book but my friends discouraged me by saying I never finish them I think I'm just gonna pre-make it and post it later on in the future but WHO KNOWS LIKE MY FRIENDS SAID- I MIGHT NOT EVEN FINISH IT


            i never finish mine either... but i post em anyway xD YOU SHOULD TRY!


Who are the 18 friends you can’t live without? Message to only those 18, just like I did. Let’s see how many messages you get! Start sending - be honest! Only 18! I value you Jazmine a tight hug for you in advance...tomorrow is World Friends Hug Day!!! Forward this to special friends!! (Even me if you think I’m one) You are seriously loved if you get 5 back! ❤️❤️


Hey, I’m Ashe! I’d just like to say thank you so much for following me! It means so much. If you will, please check out my first story “her words, not mine” a collection of poems! If you do decide to check it out, thank you again! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions or just wanna chat! If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. Hope you have a great day and I appreciate you taking time out of your day just to read this message!!
          Ashe xx