
hello, friends!
          	housekeeping updates:
          	* my ONC has a new cover! thank you so much to @Nicoismysenpai for making such a lovely cover for Paper Masks!!
          	* LTZ updates are all scheduled! this means the novel will be marked complete at the end of July, and my new WIP will be posted after that concludes :D I am super hype about it.
          	* next projects and Creators announcement:
          	so. actually, l've been a Wattpad Creator for a while lol, but l've never announced it here for some reason so hello lol! I am one now! I decided a while ago that I like being here, and my next projects are in line with Wattpad, so here I will stay. Speaking of next projects, l also figured out that contemporary ideas are fun, and I can't get them out of my head, so something for those of you who liked TBSINC... may be what I'm writing now.
          	I think there will always be two sides of what I like to work on (action-related and contemporary-related) and I'm taking that for the ride that it is.
          	* where to find me:
          	I've rarely shared my social media, so I'm doing it now in case anyone wants to reach me after direct messages go away: 
          	tumblr - thoughts-ofawriter 
          	instagram - thoughts.ofawriter
          	discord - kaeruby 
          	tiktok - kae.ruby
          	hope everyone is having an enjoyable week!!


@ganbaruby you're welcome! glad you like the cover haha <333 and congrats on becoming a creator!


hello, friends!
          housekeeping updates:
          * my ONC has a new cover! thank you so much to @Nicoismysenpai for making such a lovely cover for Paper Masks!!
          * LTZ updates are all scheduled! this means the novel will be marked complete at the end of July, and my new WIP will be posted after that concludes :D I am super hype about it.
          * next projects and Creators announcement:
          so. actually, l've been a Wattpad Creator for a while lol, but l've never announced it here for some reason so hello lol! I am one now! I decided a while ago that I like being here, and my next projects are in line with Wattpad, so here I will stay. Speaking of next projects, l also figured out that contemporary ideas are fun, and I can't get them out of my head, so something for those of you who liked TBSINC... may be what I'm writing now.
          I think there will always be two sides of what I like to work on (action-related and contemporary-related) and I'm taking that for the ride that it is.
          * where to find me:
          I've rarely shared my social media, so I'm doing it now in case anyone wants to reach me after direct messages go away: 
          tumblr - thoughts-ofawriter 
          instagram - thoughts.ofawriter
          discord - kaeruby 
          tiktok - kae.ruby
          hope everyone is having an enjoyable week!!


@ganbaruby you're welcome! glad you like the cover haha <333 and congrats on becoming a creator!


Heya!! Just wanted to say thank you for reading and commenting on Chimera. I will read your ONC asap as I always read ONCs back of people who read mine - plus yours sounds really intriguing! The end of ONC is always manic for reading so I'm aiming to catch up with any others after the contest is officially done :) 
          thank you again!


@empiresofwater oh no worries haha, you don’t have to read!! I definitely tried to get to as many as possible lol but life keeps getting in the way :P
            I need to finish yours!!


hello, friends!
          a cool thing happened - Starlight has been mentioned in the Ambassadors Newsletter “What’s in Our Library”! This was a pleasant surprise to cheer me up! Yay for Kacie :3
          See it here:


@ganbaruby That's SO cool!! Congrats!


@wdhenning I saw one of yours in the novellas mentioned there! Congrats :3


hello, friends! :D
          today, the last chapter of my ONC project has been posted! this means the novella is now complete. I’m excited to finish a project, especially one that’s been so fun! if you’ve been waiting to binge, or are curious about my ONC, find it here:
          I hope everyone is having a great week!!


@ganbaruby   Toggling that story complete button feels good!


hi, friends!
          writing & WIP stuff:
          - My ONC project, which began not too long ago, is complete offline! I aim to post the remaining two chapters and my author’s note over the next two weeks and then the story will be completed :D it’s been really fun to participate in a contest!
          - secret WIP: … is also almost done? Maybe? I have three chapters left in my outline, so we shall see. With any luck, it will be done soon, so I can edit in order to post it once LTZ’s scheduled chapters are done. 
          This feels kind of like I’ve been bouncing around lately, but I swear it’s just because I have been working away on things lol.
          With that being said, I hope everyone is having a great week :D :D


Congrats on finishing! ❤️


Thank you for adding The Cat, The Crow and The Witch to your reading list! I hope you'll enjoy it!


@Ry-reader-29 you’re welcome, trying to check out as many ONC projects as i can! :D


tentatively, I emerge with more chapters for my ONC novella! so far, my writing is progressing quite nicely. I’ve just updated chapter five, which is probably the one I’ve been griping over the most… because it has song lyrics! check out my novella here: if you want to see me attempt to rhyme, successfully or not.
          more chapters to come soon! I plan on posting up to chapter eight by next week :)


hello, friends!
          I have taken the plunge to write a novella for the first time and joined the ONC (Open Novella Contest) :D
          In my chaos, I will be working on Paper Masks, a mixture of science-fiction and my beloved superheroes.
          Whether or not I am successful at holding this one back from becoming a novel, I hope to have some fun :3
          Here is the link:
          Good luck to everyone entering!!


@ganbaruby Good luck, Kae!! Hope you have fun! ❤️