
Depthless has finally been updated! Please read and comment. 


Hi! I got curious about you, given our similar usernames, and I must say: Inari's Renegade looks intriguing! If I have the time, I'll pop on over to read it. Also, GRUVIA!! I adore Gray Fullbuster. 
          Anyway, just wanted to say hi!  
          -Regina Mei :3


@Daydream7 Im an absolute Fairy Tail fangirl. Gruvia is my otp. Glad you're  considering  reading Inari. I hope you like what I have so far and great to meet a daydreamer like myself.


   Sorry I've  been holding out on you guys with Depthless. I have most of the chapters written on my computer, but I update using my phone and its a matter of transferring chapters. Must invest in internet. 
          Anyway Chapter 13 is updated! The chapters are rearranged it my manuscript, but here the order may be a bit different, but I think it won't cause much of a problem. 
          Please read and tell me what you think!


Felize  Cinco de Mayo everyone! There are so many good book releases today and I'm  feeling cheerful and inspired. Looking forward to the day I can get my own book published out in the world, but until then I'll hone my skills and am content sharing my works with you guys and we'll continue to support each other towards our dreams. 
             Anyway, Chapter 11 of Depthless has been updated. It's  a bit of a short one, but please check it out! Your feedback and support means a lot!