
A new chapter of A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever is up!
          	Thanks so much for reading!


You are one of my if not my absolute favorite writers on Wattpad. I am sorry for not following you sooner. I loved Love Songs and Drifting and I hope the ending of it is as wonderful as the first two.


@Wandering_Muse Thank you! That means a lot. Book 3 has been a struggle, in part because I dearly want it to live up to the first two and give Martha and James the ending they deserve. Thanks again! <3


A new chapter of A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever is up! It's very long (four parts), a lot happens (nearly 8,000 words), I hope you like it (can't think of another parenthetical).
          Thank you for reading!!


@david_hull Awesome! Hope all is well with your writing.


I swear the algorithm they use in Wattpad is absurdly outdate even for an old ass like me. I rarely find anything worthwhile but, I’m  happy to say that I actually enjoyed your story(ies), and considering the crap that this app usually pushes….. welllll…anywho…I’m happy to have found your stories. Your imagination is unique!!! I harbor no expectations for your current story… I just wanted you to know so far it was great!! I know I’m not the only one who thinks so!


@kfmilli Thank you! I'm so glad you liked them. That means a lot to hear. And I'm glad you found me, but yes, the algorithm can be frustrating. 
            I'm still technically working on book 3, but it's going painfully slow so I appreciate the patience. 
            Thanks again!


Guess what! Hell has frozen over because I've posted another chapter of A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever!
          Since I'm not chasing the algorithm anymore, I'm just going to post all three parts at once.
          I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for reading!!


For those who've put off reading For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs because it was a paid story... rejoice! 
          Starting today, FTWDBILS is once again free to read!


I’m glad your cover came back too. ❤️ Nothing like a 90’s locker to set the mood. :-)


Hello to anyone reading this (A lot of people? A couple? No one?). I have a few things to share…
          As some of you may have noticed, my updates have ground to a halt over the past six months. I’ve been struggling with my work in progress and my identity as a writer in general and apologize to anyone who’s been waiting on me.
          Long story short, I’ve stopped enjoying the process. I write because I have to; not because I want to. And it has pained me to publish content that I’m not proud of. It’s been one big shame spiral and I’ve ridden it all the way to the bottom (I’m basically Serafina, to any of my faithful readers).
          And so, I’ve decided to step back from my journey as a professional writer, perhaps for good. It’s been a fun mid-life crisis, an unexpected ride, and a fantasy that’s run its course. Coming to this decision has given me a degree of peace.
          That said, I absolutely intend on finishing A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever and the series as a whole. I owe my readers a conclusion to the story and my characters a release from their existential toil.
          But I also have good news (finally)! Beginning July 10, For Those Who Don’t Believe in Love Songs will be entirely free to read again! I’ve noticed a lot of people adding Drifting Along… without reading For Those… which bothered me. You really can’t read these books out of order. But I get it – I like free stuff too. So now it will all be free!
          As always, thank you for reading!


Good for you for doing what you need to do for yourself! Your stories are amazing and I can only hope you’ll find love and passion for them again someday but if not, that’s perfectly okay 


@david_hull you are crazy talented. After a well  deserved break and fresh perspective— I can only imagine great things for you. I loved your writing and books


@JELyrica Thank you. When I began writing, I kind of had a Dread Pirate Roberts mentality. Every time I'd finish a chapter, I'd think, "Good work, David. Sleep well. I'll most likely quit in the morning." Over an over, I surprised myself with another chapter until suddenly, I had two completed novels. Since then, I've had to think about my writing career, falling short of expectations, and self marketing (so much marketing!). I'm hoping a return to simplicity will rekindle my love for it. But having no expectations means having no expectations so I really don't know. Thank you for your support. 


Hi sorry for posting without your permission,  I wish everything is going well there. ❤️ I would love feedback from an amazing writer like you! ❤ 
          If your time permits, then please give a try to my book. The concept is different! ❤
          I hope you guys will like the tangy taste of teen with a bitter pinch of pieces of broken hearts ❤️❤️ 
          Happy Reading