
Thank you for taking the time to read my lesbian novels. Your support means the world to me, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share these stories with you. Your feedback and encouragement inspire me to keep writing, and I hope these novels brought you joy, excitement, and perhaps a new perspective.


You’re welcome thank you


Hey there. I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for reading and voting on my book, Mia. It means the world to me; I genuinely hope you're enjoying it thus far.
          Catherin Bakaloff


@antmhMarilyn, It's important to understand and even accept the craziness that is life, you know? I have so many books in the works, and sometimes, it's hard to focus on one book when I get excited to create everything else that's also swarming around in my mind, lol. Life's Unexpected Turn is very important to me as it comes from some pretty dark moments in my life. I wanted to create a story that can, hopefully, one day, help others see that you can find happiness, no matter what kind of trauma you've endured. I really hope you're enjoying the story so far!!  =)


No worries. I know life gets busy and I heard you were working on another story. (Can’t wait). Yes I started it last night. It looks like I’m going to enjoy it too. :)


@antmhMarilyn, I want to apologize for how long it took me to respond, things got a little busy at work, then I got lost working on my current book. I'm really sorry for the slight heartache I caused you, and anyone who read that sad chapter. It makes me very happy and humble to know how much you've enjoyed reading my work. Yes, there are still three books left in the Mia Series; don't you worry! I have so many things planned for them; it's exciting! 
            I also noticed you started Life's Unexpected Turn today; this book is darker than Mia and Bri, so I am worried how it's received, honestly. I hope you are doing well!! Smile!  =)


Hello thank you for the follow. Hope you enjoy the story-Gray


Thanks for that. It’s great to be able to help others in that way. 


I checked out the website listed on your profile what an amazing project:) so simple and kind. Nice. Enjoy your day 


You’re welcome. I am reading Not You now and will be reading your others.  Thank you for sharing your talent. 