
Hey there Nelson! I thought I sent you a message here before when you followed me, but I suppose not. Anyways, thank you so much for the follow and welcome to wattpad! I returned the favor. I read your bio, and it really touched my heart. You are super inspiring to me and I know that I'm not the only one that feels that way. I look forward to getting to know you on a more personal level. Please don't be shy to message me anytime, because I love making new friends. I saw that you voted for my story and it made my day so thank you very much. I hope that you'll continue reading with us, because I recently lost internet connection at my house and I can only use wattpad in scattered minutes of the school day so I apologize that I am not yet able to update efficiently. I hope you have a great time here at wattpad and I hope to hear from you soon!


Aw thank you c:


***ALERT******  *****ALERT****
          WELCOME TO WATTPAD! Pm us cx btw thanks for that lovely ~FOLLOW~ BAI. 
          One more thing this is Samuel =^-^= 
                                            My gay name O.o so call me Sam 
          SKITTLES CX 
                  KK BAI.