
Two new chapters to Padded! Enjoy and my punctuality will get better! I promise. 


Like I have said earlier, I have been writing a fantasy book that I am so far really proud of and I can't wait to share with you guys. Would you guys like a sneak peek? If so just comment below. (I wouldn't put it by you if you put first, I would) It doesn't matter what you put as long as it shows up to me. As long as I get two comments, I will post the first 1000 words. I'm more proud of this than Deep Night.  
          Jetzt zum Erfolg ist alles, was übrig ist!


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and have started more conversations than actually writing. Reason why-I put the pro in procrastination. I'm getting better though! I've been working on a book that won't be out on wattpad until I am 100% done and it has become my baby. I am also writing a Percy Jackson fanfic (sorry I got sucked in). Despite this, I should have an update on both of my incomplete books by the end of the week. Love you guys!


Sealed by Destiny by saniyah25shah
          One month into 11th grade and already feeling like her life won't live up to much,  Natasha feels pressure from her family to not be a failure or bring shame to their family. To do this, they want Natasha to get better grades to show up her cousin.
          Meanwhile, Neil Shaw was feeling like a momma's boy. Wishing for the relationship his parents have, he goes to school as the new kid. Vogue magazines anyone?


A new addition to Feelings from a Child, I hope you guys enjoy, I hadn't been able to talk to my friend so I'm sorry this came out late. This part made me so sad listening to her talk about the events, she was only ten and already had to start acting like she was 16. I hope you guys enjoy.


Alright, I'm happy! 3rd place in rankings for 3parts is amazing at least for me. Now to get rid of some confusion. I will have more than three parts because I am already working on part 3! What I mean by 3parts is that there are three people or three parts of views. Joanne, Aron, and Devon. 
          P.S. Aron will figuratively get more love. We will be focusing more on him in the 3rd or 4th part.