
Anyone here who can give me a honest review as well as help in editing my books?????
          	Please pm.


Hey. Thank you so much for the votes on Flourish and Blotts, and also for adding it to your Reading List! You literally made my day.
          Also, totally relate with your bio, B99 IS AMAZING FIGHT ME. So is Peraltiago, I mean, they just own our hearts, don't they?
          Ugh, so cute❤️ anyhoo, have a great day/night!
          -Rish (sorry for the long notif, if that annoyed you, haha)


hello! how have you been? i haven’t heard from you in aaaaaaages


@_Too_Much_ i relate to you somewhat, i’m doing good though. how are you generally? xxx


How are you???????


@Potato190505 fine. But have lost all of my motivation to write and read.   :(


Hey there,
          Thank you so much for voting on my story "The Sluts Guide To High School" You just made my day. I hope you liked it!
          Lots of Love,
          Keep Smiling.
          Shifana ❤❤❤


@_itz_shifana  For sure. Waiting eagerly for your next update.☺


@_Too_Much_ awe, thank you so much. It means a lot to me and I'm glad to have readers like you. You're right, we can obviously move on from them (; 
            Stay blessed. 
            Shifana ♡


@_itz_shifana Off course I enjoyed them. To be honest I am quite bored of Mary sue like good girls. So I am pretty sure it's going to be an enjoyable read. ❤