
Hey fellow humanoids! It's been a while! Life's been a hassle recently, especially with school, but I've finally managed to get around to updating. It's definitely not my best and I'm a bit rusty, but hopefully in due time I will be able to update more frequently and you will all be able to enjoy my stories again.
          	As a gift for my long departed...depart...I've decided to give you good old romance with The Blue Lagoon! I know it's been a long time since I last updated that, so I hope you enjoy this next chapter! (WARNING: It is not perfect.)
          	Yours truly,


Hey fellow humanoids! It's been a while! Life's been a hassle recently, especially with school, but I've finally managed to get around to updating. It's definitely not my best and I'm a bit rusty, but hopefully in due time I will be able to update more frequently and you will all be able to enjoy my stories again.
          As a gift for my long departed...depart...I've decided to give you good old romance with The Blue Lagoon! I know it's been a long time since I last updated that, so I hope you enjoy this next chapter! (WARNING: It is not perfect.)
          Yours truly,


My good Wattpad bestie @Fairfax5 nominated me to do this 20 facts thingy, so I'm finally getting around to it!
          1. My name is not Winter.  Yeah...
          2. I'm socially awkward
          3. I don't take drugs, I'm just that type of person who gets high of random shtuff.
          4. I'm under five feet :'(
          5. But that's okay because guys like short girls ;)
          6. Hmm...I can't do things unless truly inspired.
          7. I suck at introducing myself, so be satisfied with Hey, I'm Winter.
          8. I have trust issues.
          9. I have a large variety of music interest.
          10. I hate country music.
          11. I like wearing black clothes.  People look hot in black
          12. I like flannel or plaid on CERTAIN guys.  Most guys are hot in plaid.
          13. I'm strange, but I bet you already knew that.
          14. I talk about really weird stuff to people
          15. I read Fifty Shades of Grey, so...that book does not define me.
          16. One movie that I never get tired of: VanHelsing with Hugh Jackman
          17. I like a lot of famous dudes, Peter Pan being one of them.  Yes, the ginger. And Jack Frost, the cute one.  I know, they're cartoons.  Deal.
          18. I like rum raisin ice cream and mint chocolate chip and god, I just really want some ice cream now.
          19. I live along the eastern border of America.  It's great!  We just get a lot of terrorist (that's a joke, yet true, but still a joke)
          20. No one is responsible for your own happiness.  Only you are.  
          I'm going to nominate @noweavewednesdayz
          She's not as crazy as me...yet ;)


Hi @Wintersnowa thanks so much for following and for popping along to my FB page! Happy new year to you! hoping 2014 brings you everything you dream for. Thanks again for the amazing comment yesterday, you made my day x


It's my pleasure :)  Have an amazing new year, also!  Hope that the upcoming 364 days bring everything you hope for :D  
            x Winter


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