I am a huge Dramione fan. 

I love:
Harry potter
School of Good and Evil
The Amulet


Dear Bullies,
- You know that boy you pushed? He committed suicide.
- The girl you called fat? She starves herself.
- The kid you teased because he cried? His mom died.
- The man you made fun of because of his scars? He fought for our country.
- The pouch you stole off that man? He's homeless.
- That boy you laugh at for being bald? He's fighting cancer to be able to live another day.
- That girl you made fun of for being in a wheelchair? She saved a four year old from getting hit by a car.
- Everyone else you've been mean to? You've hurt them or ruined their life.

-If you're against bullying, post this on your account. I bet 99% of you won't, but if you're the 1% with a heart, show it.
Your skin is not paper, don't cut it
Your body is not a doll, don't shrink it.
Your face is not a mask, don't hide it.
Your life is not a movie, don't end it
Wϟεη yoʊ cαrry a Bible, the dεviℓ gets a ϟeαdαcϟe. Wϟεη yoʊ opεη it, ϟe coℓℓαpsεs. Wϟeη ϟe sεεs yoʊ rεαding it, ϟe fαiηts. Wϟeη ϟe sεεs yoʊ ℓiving it, ϟe fℓεεs. Aηd jʊst ღϟεη yoʊ're αboʊt to rε-post this, ϟε wiℓℓ try aηd discoʊrαgε yoʊ. I jʊst dεfεαted ϟiღ. 96% of tεεηs won't stαηd ʊp for God. Put tϟis iη your profilε if yoʊ'rε oηε of tϟε 4% that wiℓℓ

P.S. sorry to my fellow Slytherins

*****rasied by griffendors and sister to a ravenclaw********
  • Somewhere in UA training
  • JoinedNovember 12, 2021

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Todo_baku_dekuSimp Todo_baku_dekuSimp Nov 18, 2021 03:55AM
Hey guys going to post a story soon
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