
Chapter 3 of Frost Bite is now up! 


this message may be offensive
Been in a funk for months and decided to hop on here. I picked up a book that was on my TBR for some time, the blurb was vague and the story was short so I gave it a shot. After the third chapter, I was immediately repulsed. It was promoting pedophilia and statutory rape. As it was about a boys group home where the caretaker had a sexual poly relationship with all the boys under his care and he was their “Dom”. It was disgusting and I made my thoughts known in the comments and reported the book. As I don’t think it it’s okay to be writing such things where minors here can read it and think it’s “okay” because it was glorified age gap smut. but the response I got from other readers make me questions people’s character on here, who defended this book because it’s “wattpad” and they were all in love. Like in what world is it okay to enjoy reading a book about a grown ass man sleeping with underage boys? It’s… icky.  
          Okay, rant over. Have a great day. 


@Shelby_Knight I think its a society flaw. What is happening on here is reflective of what is happening at the world at large.
            To that end, I understand sometimes Romeo and Juliette laws are necessary. I understand puppy dog crushes and all that jazz, but to glorify deviant behavior crosses a line. Further, we have advocates in society, often the very people either writing such things or otherwise encouraging such behavior, leading it to be written and encouraged and otherwise impressed upon such vulnerable minds.
            I also often find that such work are often poorly plotted, have horrible characters and are often just word dumps on a page.
            If you are still looking for something to read (not trying to plug myself shamelessly,) but I do have a work in progress called Seventeen Crimes. It's for the ONC 2024, and does not have such dribble.


Agree that was yucky 


Hey everyone, I’m here to offer my apologies for my absence. There have been deaths in the family, my mother had a stroke, and I’m trying to find a new path in life. Please bear with me a little longer, I’ll be posting regularly here very soon as well as uploading new projects I’ve been working on. I love you all! <3


@Shelby_Knight I'm so sorry to hear this. All the best of blessing for you and your family