
I'm done with tests, papers, and all sorts of craziness in trying to earn my special piece of paper that designates me to be a special kind of bad ass. Anywhoo...I'll be updating Love Ain't Easy and Burning Bright throughout the week. I'VE MISSED WRITING FOR FUN!


I'm done with tests, papers, and all sorts of craziness in trying to earn my special piece of paper that designates me to be a special kind of bad ass. Anywhoo...I'll be updating Love Ain't Easy and Burning Bright throughout the week. I'VE MISSED WRITING FOR FUN!


I'm so sorry for a lack of updates. At first, I was busy with work and life, but then a character came back to me. She was insistent and constantly in my head. I couldn't fight her off any longer, so I started writing her story like I promised. I will get back to my other stories before the winter holidays hit.


Thanks for the follow.  
          Hmmm... smartphones.  Trouble is, I am so much dumber without mine.  I'd be no good in a zombie apocalypse if I can't google what to do about it :)


I wouldn't mind them so much if it weren't for the expectation that everyone should have one. I live in a rural place with bad reception so there's no point, but when I visit friends they act like I'm living the Amish lifestyle.


Re. Status = WELL DONE! Wow, I'm seriously behind!! How have I missed this?!?


I started it almost a year ago, but didn't finish. The momentum of Small Town Gossip helped me put up the last few chapters and TRY to revise. It's been hard work-that's why I've been MIA the last few weeks. 
            I believe you edit like crazy before posting. Wish I had your patience.