
Havent posted in a while. hope you guys like it. https://www.wattpad.com/story/108912216


How much do you guys normally write in a day? How do you stay motivated?


your amazing thank you for all the good advice i really do appreciate it.


@RKTansky some do, definitely. Some people may find that that works but I could never imagine doing that. Inspiration comes when you're not always searching for it, I've found. 
            If you feel like that would work for you you should go for a few hours of writing without any distractions. If it's not something that you'd enjoy then I wouldn't recommend it. 
            Perhaps professional authors do force themselves to write even when they don't feel like it - shows perseverance - but especially for someone starting out l wouldn't force it. One wouldn't want it to feel like a chore. 
            Yet that doesn't mean to never write when the going gets tough; sometimes I don't want to write something new so I'll tell myself to just write the opening lines of my next chapter. That way I can at least say that I wrote something. Also, if you can get yourself over the first hurdle of actually starting you'll find that eventually things will start to flow. 
            That's a good idea! You do need to make notes of any ideas you get as sometimes you can have so many floating about that you'll risk losing the ones that truly matter. 
            I think you're finding that this writing thing is actually pretty challenging. I was in for a surprise myself since I love writing essays and the like, I thought that everything else would be smooth sailing xD doesn't mean it's impossible though! You'll want to tear your hair out at times but trust me, you're making something worthwhile. :)


Thats really good advice thank you, for some reason i thought writers just locked themselves in a room everyday till they produced something.
             Im getting to the point if i have a cool idea i just jot it down, then in a few days i come back and revise it and try to expand on it as well.


Ok i got something up, Sorry for taking so long! being sick sucks! hope you guys enjoy it :)


@RKTansky sure. drop me a msg when you post them. would love to read them.


Feeling great again! First day where i have felt good enough to write again since i got sick. Im considering just posting my short story ideas down as maybe its own collection  and seeing what you think. :)


That was really good! N hope you are feeling better now 