
I'm not too sure if you'll see this but I just have to ask since I just finished reading Punk 57 (absolutely loved it btw!) but I was curious about Delilah... did you ever think about writing a story 8n her perspective or even her reading the letter? I just wish they were able to become friends again


@xxbblsxx Hey <3 To me, it didn't matter if Delilah responded. What was important was that Ryen reached out and tried to own up to a mistake. The rest is up to you. If you were Delilah, what would you do? Thanks for reading!


Hi Penelope , I have been reading your books for a long time now. I have complete collection of your books on my shelf and I can't express in words how much I appreciate your writing skills. Your fall away series was my first and from then I have been reading all of your books. I am very grateful for all of your works !!!


@suckingjjkdaddy Thanks! I appreciate hearing that. <3