
To my very limited followers, my cover shop is now reopened!
          	Going to be refurbishing in the next few days.


Guys guys GUYYYYZZZZ. I'm not sure if it'll work but I THINK I figured out how to take cross-section screenshots without the actual command button EEeeEEEEK. This means that after exam season I can start up again!!!!
          I'm still sick though. Peh. Teachers can be really mean. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. 
          But I'm excited :)
          I'll update you if anything else happens :D
          lots of love,


          Very mad at myself...but that's ok.
          I got my computer fixed! It's been broken since I think December 12th or something...and it would just give me a rainbow thing. So when I say I fixed it...well...kinda...I have to do a bunch of wiring and plug it in every time and I can't copy paste and I'm using a separate monitor and keyboard and mouse...
          and I can't I dunno how I can make covers.
          I can make them, but I can't upload them off of my editor, I always screenshot and crop the editing tools out. 
          It's exam season! That means no sleep for the next three weeks, WOO! 
          And I'm sick and I missed a whole bunch of important lessons at school.
          But I love you all.
          And I'm working on it. 
          I'll try and buy a new MacBook...but idk. They're crazy expensive.
          lots of love,


@NovaButterfly16  Alright, it's fine then. I understand. Thank you!


@Maggie-Nary I mean that I won't be able to actually get the file into my email, or turn the cover into a file to send it. I'm not mad :P


@NovaButterfly16um, do you think it's impossible if you're going to send it through email or other stuffs like that? Oh don't get mad at me, please. I'm just really asking since I don't have lots of knowledge about technical matters.


Hi there! So um, I'm actually looking for someone who could help me with story covers. you may check it through an announcement I just made on my message board. But I don't force anyone to help me. I want you to do it willingly and I also respect your other businesses. Can you help me?


@NovaButterfly16 don't worry it's fine. I understand your situation, but thank you because youre willing to help me. It's already a lot if you ask me. 


@Maggie-Nary Hi! Of course I'd love to help you...but I'm not in the perfect circumstances too, I broke my laptop right before the holidays and I have no way to edit anything. I'd love to give you advice, or talk about different palettes etc. until i'm up and running again, but as of now...I can't make covers. Sorry :(


Another weekly update.
          Um so...I should get some covers done...shouldn't I? And ESPECIALLY editing. I'm surprised you all don't despise me for my work ethic. 
          hey hey hey guess what...I got my right split back. so um. I'm happy about that.
          My birthday's coming up later this month...and Christmas...and I had 4 tests this week ughhhhhh.
          lots of love,


@theultimateslayer THEY ARE THE WORST!! Tysm :) <3


Weekends come and go...and I find myself spending my time doing as little as possible, relying solely on the desires of my heart whenever possible. Weeks are simply filled with ever amounting work so that all remaining thoughts are looking towards the next weekend.
          I should try to be awfully more productive.
          much love,