
The "The Akatsuki's Babysitter" story has been unpublished temporarily as I am currently editing and rewriting some of it. Expect it to be republished within a few weeks. You can remind me through here or from my other book if it's been a while.
          	Speaking of the other book, "What Happens Off-Screen" seems fine and doesn't really need any editing, just some more publishing. I may publish more chapters/episodes again every now and then.
          	There's also been a book cover change for both books and story title change to "TA'sB" ୧⍢⃝୨


The "The Akatsuki's Babysitter" story has been unpublished temporarily as I am currently editing and rewriting some of it. Expect it to be republished within a few weeks. You can remind me through here or from my other book if it's been a while.
          Speaking of the other book, "What Happens Off-Screen" seems fine and doesn't really need any editing, just some more publishing. I may publish more chapters/episodes again every now and then.
          There's also been a book cover change for both books and story title change to "TA'sB" ୧⍢⃝୨


I have come crawling back from the abyss known as real life and returned to Wattpad
          It's been a while since I've even been on Wattpad, let alone even touched my stories and I'm sorry to anyone who decided to read them, so I am gonna try and get back into writing my stories
          I'm not gonna say anything about my personal life here, but I've just been caught up in a lot of things lately and kinda forgot about this
          Expect heavy editing and possibly even unpublishing of my story(ies). Actually, I might even rewrite "The Akatsuki's Babysitter" after skimming through it again, I realized how much of a noob I was
          I also stumbled across another fanfiction that is kinda similar to mine and even has basically the same name, so I'm planning on changing it
          Gosh I wrote these stories years ago and I had no idea what I was doing lmao 
          Thank you for listening to/reading my TedTalk 


Is anyone else's Wattpad broken like wtf
          Whenever I open the app my screen spazzes black and what which gave me a seizure cause I'm those people who go on Wattpad at like 2 am
          Also I can't publish anything, and the word font is huge for basically everything


Yes. It srsly is, fam. Wattpad has gotta stop doing their shitty updates 


Anyone ever edit their chapters on a document or something, and then copy-paste it back onto Wattpad, only for like 50 words to be gone from the text, or so Wattpad says... It would say I have like 1550 words at first, then after editing it and stuff, it goes down to like 1500 words even though I don't even remember getting rid of that much, or sometimes it's just grammar mistakes, which means I didn't even get rid of anything... Weird


What are your thoughts about Grammarly?
          Idk why but Grammarly is fricken broken on Wattpad and Wattpad only, it works on other websites but on Wattpad, the G logo at the end of the text box thingy just keeps spinning and never points out any mistakes, but when it does the red underline is in some random spot like it's never under the actual error itself and it's  f r i c k e n  t r i g g e r i n g