
Two characters who really have no knowledge of hand-to-hand combat are trying to fight each other and neither really know what they're supposed to be doing..
          	How do I make this serious without seeming too ridiculous? Because all I seem to be coming up with is two people just yelling and hitting each other like three-year-olds... Any ideas?
          	(@WritingNerd13 My writing muse, halp mehhh... XD)


Two characters who really have no knowledge of hand-to-hand combat are trying to fight each other and neither really know what they're supposed to be doing..
          How do I make this serious without seeming too ridiculous? Because all I seem to be coming up with is two people just yelling and hitting each other like three-year-olds... Any ideas?
          (@WritingNerd13 My writing muse, halp mehhh... XD)


          So I'm writing a thing (aren't we all?),  and my brain has gone blank (as it usually does when it needs to do something important), and I need some personality traits for a villain I haven't quite solidified yet. 
          Any number of traits will do! But the restriction is 'NOT TYPICAL VILLAIN TRAITS'. (Cackling madmen are great but kind of cliched..)
          Go wild! (I love weird personality trait combos)


Okay :)
            These are all ideas - can be combined or picked and chosen from
            • Prideful, but self conscious
            • Actually does care for people, but tries to hide it to accomplish his/her goals which he/she believes are more important than hurting/being rude to others or whatever the villian does
            • Questions him/herself every now and then and has doubts about what he/she has done, but thinks there's no going back now - no going back from being good and no walking away from evil
            • Charismatic and manipulative, but also really socially anxious and hates talking to people
            • Hates staying up late and always wakes up early - so ends up being very casual and does most evil things in broad daylight instead of stereotypical night time
            • Secretly a geek and fanboys/fangirls over TV shows and movies and stuff and makes sure his/her favorite series/movies never end by being evil
            I think I might use some of these too XD


Okay, so there's this amazing feeling I keep getting while working on my original story.. 
          Y'know that feeling when you're in a fandom, and you get this GREAT headcanon, and you're like 'Man, I wish this was actually canon!'? Well the greatest realization smacked into me the other day as I got a headcanon for my own story - that my headcanon can be ACTUALLY CANON since my brain was the one to come up with the story idea in the first place! And that honestly was so cool to realize. I mean, sure, that little idea might not make a lot of sense in the big picture, but I'll be darned if that fluffy goodness doesn't wind up in my story at SOME POINT!!
          So, y'know... being a writer is so incredible (and getting to call the shots with what is an isn't canon in an original work is pretty neat too) :P


Niceeeee! Very cool


I haven't a clue as to why I'm still up at this hour, but I just found an amazing quote, and I would like to share it with you guys:
          "So please ask yourself: 
          What would I do if I weren't afraid?
          And then go do it."
          ~Sheryl Sandberg 
          I don't know about you guys, but there are a lot of things I would be doing now if it wasn't for my fear. Now, imagine for a second that you didn't have any fear. That you weren't afraid to do something. What would you be doing?
           I know what I would do. 
          I would go to a country where I didn't speak hardly any of the language, and try to learn it. Completely immerse myself in the culture. Live there for a while, and just learn. 
          I would write a book. Not just a quick blurb about a fandom I'm crazy about (which - don't get me wrong - it awesome to do), but a serious story, one I'd like to publish one day.
          Those are just two things, and I'm sure there's plenty more that I just haven't realized yet. 
          Fear is a very powerful emotion. It can keep us safe. But it can also hold us back. 
          I'm terrified of going to a place where I don't understand anything and have a hard time communicating. I don't like being helpless. It makes me afraid. I'm also terrified of writing something, pouring my heart out into a work, just to have it rejected. Rejection hurts, and it makes me afraid.
          But what if I wasn't afraid? How much would I have already done if I wasn't, and how can I get past this?
          So again, I'll ask. And I want you to think about it. 
          What would you do if you weren't afraid?


Woooow. O: That was beautiful!!! Great inspiration!