Well hello there! You're probably looking here to find out more about me, aren't you? Isn't that what these things are for (aside from the fandom promoting we all live to do). And if not?Feel free to click away(no one's stopping you)!

Seeing as you've stuck around, here we go..

- I'm a teenage girl (shocker).
-I'm also a fangirl (double shocker).
-I'm an artist. I draw, write, sing, and dance. My art is a very important part of my heart, though it sometimes becomes scarce.
-I'm a cat lover! ^_^
-I'm also a hat lover. It's a rare moment to see me without a baseball hat stuck on my head.
-I'm an aspiring DM (Dungeon Master) - been learning since November (2017), and have started a D&D group with my friends.
  • JoinedJanuary 16, 2015

Last Message
MysteriousAllegory MysteriousAllegory Jan 27, 2019 08:27PM
Two characters who really have no knowledge of hand-to-hand combat are trying to fight each other and neither really know what they're supposed to be doing..How do I make this serious without seemin...
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