
X8's nanites that were cast into Middlerealm would have faced eradication, were it not for their obsimantine exoskeletons. G3 was indeed a durable series, however it lacked the battle capabilities that X8 now sought, which is why they were present. They collected the data they needed, however. The data they collected allowed them to estimate which rift that was opened within Middlerealm would lead them back to the remaining collection of the series.


Deveritus had split his metaphysical existence in two; half of which was anchored in the pack he was residing in currently, the other half now present in Middlerealm. He only decided to split his existence for one reason: he needed to go back to his roots. 
          His body would be mostly transparent, as the largest portion of his physical body was in the Mortal Plane, wandering the forest of the pack territory, but that would also mean the physical body there was lacking largely in metaphysical presence—it wouldn't take too long. 
          It was vaguely like astral projection, in a way, which also meant that Deveritus could navigate his presence here in Middlerealm beyond speeds his physical body could produce. He would seek out an empty Manastar, marked by its black form against the endless white of Middlerealm. Once found, he would begin crafting the weapon.


The item was finished, after nearly a day. It was finished as of midnight on the Mortal Plane, however Deveritus wanted to put a little extra into the design of the weapon. What he held was a gun that was completely white, contrasting his black attire. It was a Manastar gun, but not Empty Manastar; the Manastar making up the revolver was able to deplete its stored mana bit by bit to produce its own ammunition. 
            The gun was designed to create its own Empty Manastar bullets.
            But at the same time, he had also developed a sheath for his sword and a holster for his gun. The weapon was sheathed on his back, the hilt pointing away from his right shoulder, the gun holstered on his right coxal bone. With his purpose completed, he would return to his anchored physical body.