
Bro i'm reading all the books in my library (like 300) cause my wattpad keeps lagging but i have so many catagories now but i find them nesessary so idk


Oh and they bash on my crush like "how do you like her you never talk to her" but when 2# has her millionth "hallway crush" it's funny and they talk to eachother about it. And 1# doesn't even go like "you don't even know their NAME" but just goes with it. 1# asked me "what do you like about your crush" and i go "her smile" and 1# goes "that is your only answer always" yeah but at least i know her name, class, and in what year she's in


And that's now almost a year ago, but #1 still talks about it constantly to people for like no reason to seem intersting or smth but yeah they kan both di€ and i hope life treats them horribly


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@ LarryisfakeObvIoUslY  okay so how this ended, both friends then decided to ignore me completely bc friend #1 held like a grudge or smth and 2# has like no backbone to just decide her own actions. Then they called me telling that they didn't know how to handle that shit, and #1 interupted me when i was crying to say that i "traumatized" her with a situation that never even happend. We acted like we were besties again, they used me as a ride to the school party, and the next week abandoned me


Then later on the day like almost the end 2# says to me "me and 1# have noticed that you are more sad the last couple days-" in my mind i go "well i have been quiet so many days because you ignore me but alright" and i say "what is the last couple days?" She goes "yesterday and today-" i go " i'm tired that's it. And she keeps quiet. She brought this up at school at the end. She couldn't call me of smth like she always does with 1#? They always talk about how they call eachother so much and app eachother and everyhting. And when i ask abiut it they say its not that much. So at the end i always bike back with 1# and i waited for them to finish their last class and we're at the exit of the school and i say bye to 2# like always and i turn to 1# like "you're ready?" And she waves at me and goes bye. So i guess they have plans together and didn't include me because most likely i'm the bitch. They didn't laugh this entire day, so they will ig tomorrow be like "you were,'t happy so we didn't feel like we could laigh without you" well i' not their fucling entertainment. Go flirt with eachother.


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So yesterday we went to an amusement park with school and GUESS WHAT?? OF COURSE THEY STAY A LITTLE BEHIND JUST THEM TWO. And at the end you had like a super scary rollarcoaster that 1# now wanted to joing and 2# didn't go with me in another rollercoaster because "she promised #1" so i went into the rollercoaster which was also very scary for me because i am not the biggest fan of them and went with my other friends who is also terrified of this shit. And then on the busride back to the school they end up sitting together of course again and i'm stuck sitting way back with people i don't know. And so today i'm not in the best mood because i'm tired and i keep getting ignored because 1# gets all the attention for getting into the more scary rollarcoaster. Maybe i'm jealous ik. And then at school a girl i sit with who i' not really close friends with asks me if i'm okay, because i'm not smiling, like the whole time. I told her that i' always left out. 


Okay so i have a little rant:
          So i'm friends with two other girls, with #1 for 3yrs and 2# 2 years. And we're like the trio and stuff but this year my other friends became like very close. It really started when we started the new school year and they sat together because i thought let me be nice and sacrifice myself so they can sit together, and when 2# found out 1# also is attracted to more asian boys. So i started to get left out a little but I didn't think it was important. So then later they started to leave me out completely, they would talk about people together excluding me, if i would ask they would just wave it off like "it isn't important" abd continue doing their thing, they would jokingly flirt with eachother and if i tried to join 1# would give me a weird kinda look, and 2# would just be quiet and they would resume doing their thing. So those days i would be more quiet whoch is differeny from my usual smiley self. I asked 2# if they have a problem with me being BI and she said no and i asked why she then doesn't accept me jokingly flirt with them and she says she just gets surprised. 



@ sizartaDowneyJr  sure imma give it a try