
A good friend of mine, has brought life to a new kingdom, of which needs new members *Mamori smiles* Please, do go and view the kingdom for yourself! @Phantasmal_Kingdom 


           Turning slowly towards the person that had just injured him, being even more pissed off then earlier, he walked towards him. His heart started to pound as he was afraid of dying to a simple wound like this, but the feeling of his own blood pouring out of him and trickling onto the ground made him feel sick. Staggering towards him, he roared once more as he threw his body at the man, trying to tackle the figure to the ground. His body flew threw the air.
           He knew he had to sneak inside as soon as possible to try and help everyone out, but he couldn't help but fight, even if he knew he could die if he made a mistake. 


@Mamori_Reborn  jumping at the loud noise, he made note of how she held herself and how the gun kicked back against her shoulder. He grabbed the gun and used the leather strap to sling it over his shoulder. trotting quickly over to the mesh, he quickly grabbed it, putting one of his feet against the wall and pulling on the mesh while pushing against the wall with his foot. hoping it would move so they could get past the huge walls and into the fortress, or whatever it was.


            the girl would take the gun from his hands and look it over closely. she knew it was going to be loud. it might gain attention to them, so, they would have to be quick to get the metal mesh from the castle right after. steping a few steps away from him, the young girl would stand in a sturdy position. lifting the gun and standing still, she would peer through the sight,  and rest her finger on the trigger, aiming it at the trunk of a tree. she squeezed the trigger. all too suddenly, there would be a loud bang ant echoed through the air, and even quicker, there would be a big puff in the wood of the trunk in which the bullet hit its target. Wood was frayed and broken and chipped in the trunk. 
            she would then look at him and say "Its a gun."
            looking around quickly now, she would set the gun down and rush to the metal mesh. "We gotta get this off!"


@Mamori_Reborn  he passed it to her and looked around, making sure nothing else was going to come harm them. He scratched lightly through his scruffy beard before turning back to her, watching what she was going to show or tell him. rubbing his sore arm trying to soothe the pain.


           Microosis felt the round fly into his arm, he let out a roar in pain. He had a crazy limp as he ran but he wasn't out of the fight yet, blood was streaming down his arm like a river. He got close enough to the man that he felt he could try and claw him. He lifted up his arm and went down to swipe at the figure standing in front of him.
           The stabbing pain in his arm caused him to snarl as he moved, although, it was cool kerning what the metal bent thing on the bottom of his thing projected something at him. He thought that maybe that's what his stick did too, but he was more or less thinking about mauling this person in front of him. He could feel the metal lodged beside his bone, grinding against it underneath his flesh. It caused great discomfort.


            The swipe from the bear, the man knew would likely be almost impossible to get away from, and in such, he would only try to dodge to the right, onto the sode where his wounded foreleg was, knowing the bear was less likely to attack with that paw now. As he wpuld jump to that side, he would tuck himself into a roll, loosing the gun in the process as he would use his hands to push back into a standing position hopefully on the bears further right side. He refrained from attacking, as he could be seen backing up slightly. It was clear the human was more than intimidated by now, not having the proper equipment to attack such a creature with.


          Microosis looked at the little one, worried a little bit of how these people planned on killing them all. But he didnt care, he just simply whispered back to the girl "Then we had better stop them"
           He smirked, turning to glare the man in the eye, waiting to see what would happen. His impatience got the better of him again though, he transformed into his bear form. He started to run towards the man. Stepping on an average size log, snapping it as he stepped, his mouth was open, showing the size of his teeth, as he let out a roar, trying to intimidate the man. Microosis dashed across the field, trying to get to the person as fast as he could, the arrogance of the man got under his skin. Not only that, but he had to avenge the fallen, he had to fight to kill this man, to protect the little girl which was hiding. Why was his bear instincts kicking in now of all times? Sigh, whatever. He was a bear and I guess that tends to stick with you when you've been around for a few hundred years.


            The Hunter's eyes widened slightly.  He was clearly unprepared for a bear shifter, being told that mostly kitsune inhabited this land. Despite the intimidation factor, he would not back down.
            Gun aimed for the right foreleg of the bear, he would fire a shot. He seemed to know well enough that a 12 foot bear was not something he would be able to fight and win against when all alone in the fight, and in such, he would much rather try his best to at least immobilize him. Should the bullet hit, it would lodge itself into his upper right foreleg, likely causing sharp pains, if not complete inability to use the leg. 
            Once the shot was fired, he would step backwards, aiming for another shot before he would meet a certian death, though, not firing yet


           Microosis turned towards the sound of the girl coming out of the bush, he jolted a little bit as he saw the damage done to her face. He walked towards her to see if she needed any help, but immediately turned towards the bush again. Watching the man come out of it, he stepped in front of the girl. 
           He pulled out his stick and starred at the man, trying to make himself a bigger target to protect the girl. His short hair and beard where being fluffed up a bit by the wind, the sound of the breeze calmed him down enough to realize, that he would have to fight. Even if he didn't have to fight, he felt it was the only appropriate course of action, based on the amount of tails the man so proudly wore on his side. He quickly drew up his stick and threw it like a spear towards the man, the spike side facing him. He wasn't to good at throwing so he hoped it would hit him.
           "Cmon jackass, let's see what you've got"
           He spoke angrily, grinning like a maniac as the idea of Killing this man rotted his mind. 


            The Hunter had not yet seen the two across the field from them, and in such, the spear would hit though, due to his thick protective gear, it would seem to barely penetrate, rather sticking into the side of his gear, and plunk back to the ground. The man, quite muscular in build, would barely even studder in his step,  rather turning, a sic and malicious look soon spreading across his face. saying absolutely nothing, he would spun his gun in his hand once, before lifting it up, and aiming it directly to the man who threw the spear. 
            The young child however, would duck flat into the bushes, hiding from sight, she would whisper only loug enough for 'microosis' to hear, "They want to kill us all... Especially Mamori..."


           He turned towards the noise and snarled quietly, he felt himself growing angrier at hearing the harsh words of about the child. He felt himself starting to change a little, his bear ears and nubby tail appearing on him. Along with those features, his eyes turned to that of a bears eyes. He bit his lip and tried to calm down, he sat down in the grass and just tried to listen for anything soothing, anything to calm him down.
           "So little one, I'm looking for a person by the name of Mamori, can you help me out? I can help you too if you need anything"
           His voice was deep as he was being trying to remain calm, he had a overwhelming need to fight, but he knew he could not. Focusing his attention back on the little girl, he tried to study her. He got bored quickly, still not horribly calm, but he wasn't as agitated as a few seconds prior, he started to play with his fancy stick. He put his finger on a little metal piece that curved out from the bottom. He then loomed down the hollow tube to see if anything was inside it. Maybe he could use it to get inside of this, rock fortress?


            The childs small hands would slip off her ears allowing them to flicker back to pointing upwards, as they would turn slightly to the sound of his voice, to the sound of the way he talked, to the way he acted. He was so calm. In her mind, this man seemed nothing like the hunters. 'Perhaps he's not one?' was the thoughts that rushed through her mind silently. 
            But the moment he said that name, she knew. Her head would turn and she would move her tiny hands to part the bushes and look at him. Now with her face in clear view, the male would be able to see the extent of the childs wounds, a large gash across her face, it was bleeding strongly,  reaching from her forehead on the right side, up and across her nose, and down to her left cheek. it was almost as if she had just gotten out of range of a swing from a sword or other sharp object. 
            "M... Mamori. ..?" the child would studder quietly. "I... we.... think... shes trapped by her... husband. Inside the castle somewhere... " 
            The younglings voice was quiet, and clearly frightened, yet she not once seemed to let out a reaction to the obviously painful wound spread across her face. 
            her tiny, blood stained right hand would point to the stony castle behind him, yet her big silver eyes always watched out to the field where the angry, destructive Hunter scowered the lands for the child. 
            If you looked to him, you would see him, equipped in modern day, swat like equipment,  except for the fact that it on the side had a sheathed sword, and in his hands was a pistol, ready and ained as he kicked hisnfeet through bushes. on his back was what appeared to be a filled backpack, and clipped to multiple spots on his hips and backpack, was a multitude of dismembered fox tails, all of which he had collected from the kitsune that he had killed just today. some were tiny, signifying that they were children, while others were large, long and bushy, obviously of the elder kitsune.


          Turning quickly at the rustling,  he crouched down and watched and listened to what was going on. He pulled up a long wooden, not to mention hollow, stick with a metal spike part coming off the top. It had a weird little metal part that came off but he didn't touch that, he wasn't sure what it did. 
           He stepped towards the tail slowly trying to get a better glimpse at it, and what was yelling at it. He sat down beside it and pocked it with his stick. "So,  what's with that guy?"
           He spoke to her quietly, trying to strike up a casual conversation with her. Smiling lightly as he looked around at all the new things he could learn from, and potentially play with. He immediately forgot what he was there to do and he looked at the markings on the wall, trying to figure out what they meant.


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            The owner to the tail seemed to let out a quiet whimper, immediately moving away from the object that she would feel in her side. The sound of its whimper gave away the fact that this person was not yet fully developed, rather being a young child, and the way it sounded, gave away the sense of terror she felt at the moment. She wouldn't give any reply rather, it was clear she was trying to act as if she wasn't there. It was definitely a childish thought,  yet, she believed that of she stayed still, and kept as quiet as she could, that the person wouldn't think she was there. 
            Should he look closer, into the bush, he would indeed see a human like child, with traits like a fox, sitting in a ball with her eyes shut tight, and her hands folding her foxy ears down. 
            Much of the childs skin was stained with blood, and there were some points where it was clear that that blood was hers. 
            Still rather far in the distance, the agressive and angry male's voice would be heard yelling once again,  this time going to say "I'll fucking slaughter that beast when I get my hands on her! Where the fuck is she?!"


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          Microosis, being as how he was a bear, felt the need to stick his nose into everything. He would roam the woods and listen to all the people, and things talking in them. Trying to learn more about them, so that he could become better at being a human. Hearing numerous rumors of a Mamori,  he got curious as to whom, or what it was. So he decided to go find out, and learn more about this person.
           Not long after, he turned human, taking some weapons and armor that he had found laying around in the woods, presumably from people who had roamed the woods and got lost in them. He left his home in the cave to go on his journey, moving quickly through the woods, the colors were vibrant and dull at the same time.
           He kept moving through the woods, flinching as he would hear the snapping of twigs every once in awhile. Hearing distant noises of combat, he snuck towards it, viewing the fighters. He saw some familiar faces, some of the outfits reminded him of the people he saw who where talking about Mamori. He turned to see more people coming from his left, he then turned to head the way they had come from. He soon came across a large stone castle. He circled it, confused as to what the fuck he had just walked up on. He stopped at what he thought was the back of it, and walked up to it, poking the walls as he thought of a way to get past it.


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            The castle was extremely large, the build was strong and sturdy, and held intricate carvings along the boarders and pillars. The stone was a greyish white, obviously old from the simple view of how some of the stone was wore down. This castle could easily be thousands of years old.
            After a few seconds, a sound could be heard from behind you. It wasn't much, yet it was enough to catch your attention. Right at a nearby tree, surrounded by a large bush, was a rustle in the leaves, along with the sound of a slight struggle. Should you turn, you would see a bright, yet small tail of a red fox quickly pulling into the bush as if getting quick to hide. Off in the distance you would hear a man yell "Where did that little shit go?!". It would soon come to your realization that it was one of the hunters, and it was clear he was looking for something... or someone. 
            Perhaps, that tail belonged to what he was searching for.


          * * * Flashback to mamori and microosis' past * * * 
           -closed roleplay. this is for just Microosis_The_Bear and Mamori_Reborn-
          Background to the roleplay:
          Aproximately Three hundred years ago, Mordrivale was a lush and flourishing kingdom. Kitsune flourished h Microosis_The_Bear 
          * * * Flashback to mamori and microosis' past * * * 
           -closed roleplay. this is for just Microosis_The_Bear and Mamori_Reborn-
          Background to the roleplay:
          Aproximately Three hundred years ago, Mordrivale was a lush and flourishing kingdom. Kitsune flourished here, being the most common type of humanoid to occupy this land, especially in the kingdom. Most lived in peace. The kingdom lacked currency, rather relying on the honor system, and the trade of goods for other goods. 
          Mamori, the current ruler at this time, was once happily married, and with a daughter. 
          Little had Mamori known, being at a rather nieve age for a kitsune, Her husband, was a traitor to her and the kingdom. 
          This man, was a human. This man, worked for a group known as The Hunters.-


 @Microosis_The_Bear (( that first post glitched -_- ))


            The land was in a state of chaos. Hunters stormed through the land, taking hostage of younger kitsune. Most that were taken, were trapped, tied, or chained, which would leave them in vulnerable positions. Many of the hunters would search for the kitsune ball's, a small orb each kitsune had as a prised possession. Should someone get their hands on these said orbs, the kitsune who belonged to the ball would be forced under their control. And in such, when their orbs were discovered and stolen, they were often used as personal slaves before being murdered. 
            Through every street, Hunters could be seen searching out for hiding survivors, raiding their homes, and murdering the kin. Usually it was only the oldest kitsune who managed to escape their deaths and fight back. Standing at the head of the kingdom, many nine tails could be seen, dressed in thick, intricate armor, all of which weilded weaponry along with the blue, kitsune flames.
            Many could be seen, fighting hand to hand, going up against eachother in bloody battles, knowing at least one would die. The kitsune would fight for their freedom, and the hunters would fight to end the creatures that they viewed as atrocities, believing that humanoid beasts and mythical creatures didn't deserve life.
            However, there was one person missing from the brutal scene. The rulers. The king and queen, and their daughter, most of her people believed that her husband had her locked away, hidden somewhere in the castle, yet, no one had to ability to look, while defending their kingdom.


She appears out of the darkness, wearing a cloak with the hood over her head. She smiles warmly "Hello, I'm here to inform you that your pack is invited to the coven's Spring Formal, March 14, at 7pm (American Time) I will love to see you there" She disappears into the shadows leaving an invite floating in the air