
Sorry guys, that last update was wrong. I didn't mean 4. I meant the 6th. So sorry again and today was an extremely long, painful, tiring day. Goodnight and Good Morning to all of my followers. 


So it is official, the first chapter of my book will be published early morning on June 4, because 1) me and my boyfriend will be together for two years and we might do something. 2) we have a band concert that night as well so, I'm going to be busy this week. 3) I'm having severe breathing problems right now as well, meaning my vocal cords are burning and air pipe is slowly closing, so I might have to get that checked out. 4) my computer is also being very stupid right now and not working very well and I have to upload it on my phone, which takes time. 5) this next three days I'm working on a huge history and English project. 6) practicing for the concert. 
          So it might be a bit quick and slightly rushed. But it'll be uploaded. Thanks everyone!!


Does anyone know how to help with writers block? It's becoming harder and harder for me to write me chapters. :(


@Im_Weirder_Than_You I know what you mean. Try scrolling through random pointless social sites (tumblr, pinterest, vine, youtube) just to see if you can get some idea. It's not exactly what I do, but when I do, I suddenly feel the urge to write sh!t down and then I do then voila! lol But not always that simple. Sometimes it could just be the mood :/ But it's a suggestion if not done already :) #goodluck


Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone would like me to post a prologue of all the books im writing (the series) so you can see what I'm planning. Anyone wants this, message me and if I get enough yeses I will post the prologue of each book in the series im writing. Okay. Have a wonderful day!!!