
@Philipia Our church studies from the King James Bible however, when scripture sometimes doesn’t make sense we look beyond what the King James translators wrote and we seek study from the Septuagint or other studies from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic translations. My favorite bible, is a parallel bible with King James and the Amplified together in one book.  God Bless You in your Christian writting (I'll try to check it out.)  


@Hardy_Boyz Cool. :) It's refreshing to find another kjv person out there! :) Well, Im not going to start saying how much I appreciate what you say in the forums because you don want to a lot of attention drawn to yourself, but to God. I really appreciate that. Anyways, I'll be looking for your posts in the forums! :)


@Philipia Our church studies from the King James Bible however, when scripture sometimes doesn’t make sense we look beyond what the King James translators wrote and we seek study from the Septuagint or other studies from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic translations. My favorite bible, is a parallel bible with King James and the Amplified together in one book.  God Bless You in your Christian writting (I'll try to check it out.)  


Hi! I'd like to say that I really liked what you said about prophets in the forum. I completely agree with you. And I was wondering, you looked like you were using the good, old kjv. :) out of curiosity were you? I'm a kjv person myself. Btw, I'm a Christian writer, so maybe you'll enjoy some of the stuff on my page! :)


@Random_Creativity Thank you truly. I know God is using me. I am new to Christ. I was saved as a kid but I really didn’t believe in Him due to a lack of evidence.  I only got born again 3.5 years ago. I know the Holy Spirit is developing me.  For what? I don’t know…I can only assume it will be big. Of course I don’t want to be a public speaker (yikes.) But I will go wherever He puts me…for now He surely has me working out some family issues and learning. 
          My pastor made the Holy Spirit so real for me when I asked him (my pastor) for some counseling and He told me to seek the Spirit within. At first I thought he was just passing me off but now, I’m so, so glad that he didn’t want to counsel me. Now, I rely on the Holy Spirit to counsel me (He is our teacher, our counselor & our guide.) The Holy Spirit is so real and I thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit within me! 


@drDevil p.s. I can actually imagine you walking in a bible store to shop for a new bible, may I suggest you take your pitchfork with you…it might even make the news. I’ll keep an eye out for the story;  “Today, Dr. Devil herself came in today to purchase a bible. The old ladies who were in the store fell over dead in shock and the kid working the counter brought them back to life. Then the Holy Spirit came upon Dr. Devil and she was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in new tongues!”


Uhoh spy-dad...poor girl. But you have to remember, she is a teen girl with hormones rushing through her system. And internet is a safer way to vent this than with the boys or girls at school or in the neighbourhood. You just need to make sure that she doesn't sneak out to meet that 40 year old pedo who claims to be a 13 year old boy. Don't worry too much, the ambassadors (and users themselves) check on inappropriate behaviour towards teens. But I am glad that my boys are still too small to type LOL
          " I try to read my bible when I have free time…it is the best, most exciting book I have ever read." 
          Oh dear...*holds back funny but nasty comments about becoming illiterate*
          You really should read more than just the bible. There are so many lovely books out there. I cringe in the thought that you are reading the bible over and over again and neglecting other great pieces of literature. Being Christian doesn't mean not working on developing your mind.
          Terry has me actually on the point of reading the Bible again...just so I know what he is talking about. I know I have one but I can't find it. LOL imagine me going to a shop and buying a bible.
          Btw I pretend to be sweet and than strike when your guard is down. Be scared. Be very scared.


@drDevil & @Random_Creativity You both are very sweet. I joined Wattpad to keep an on line eye on my kid who thinks she can handle everything on her own. I told her that I would create my own account and keep tabs on her. I told her that she wont recognize me and know who I am. She is claiming to be older than she is and like a good parent, I check her on line activity. She is a good kid but of course vulnerable. God wanted to keep Adam & Eve from the tree of the “knowledge” of good and evil. So do I with my daughter. I never intended to get involved with the chats…it just evolved. I am actually a busy person but when I see so much misconception of who God is…I am compelled to write what I have learned and what I have seen because of God. I left the party life because of family and I began to go to church because it seemed like the right thing to do as a parent. I had no idea God was real or that He actually cares about me and that I could have a relationship with Him that would be exciting & adventurous! I truly don’t want to get caught up with myself & my story because…it doesn’t matter. My life wont get people saved. I’m sure Terry P has great writings and I might check it out when I have free time. I try to read my bible when I have free time…it is the best, most exciting book I have ever read. 


@drDevil Thank you. I hope to remain friends. If I decide to write thoughts & stories on Wattpad, I think I will do it under a different name & keep my works separate. When I chose to join in the spiritual chat club, I decided to put my focus on Jesus…rather than myself. I really struggled in writing some of my life’s testimony last night because, I don’t want to promote myself. My life (even though it may have seemed to be a very exciting life…was dead.) I hesitate writing about myself on my personal page too. I came to realize last night that I needed to bring out a human element (a relaying factor) to where I am coming from. I don’t want to you picture me as some skinny old man wearing a priest outfit with a condemning face. Those guys are work for Satan. Thanks for always keeping in touch…sorry about the lengthy writings (its just who I am…cant help it.)