
Hello @furusato! Just dropping by your profile to thank you for checking out and voting on one of my short stories, "Hunted". I really appreciate that, and I hope you enjoyed it. I checked out the summaries of some of your work (love the bold aesthetic of your covers by the way) and the "Mischief of Us" sounds interesting!


@MPRCunha thank you very very much for your thorough replies. they mean so much and once again, i really loved what i got to read. had a slower day today so i might be able to finish the dark anthology later or tomorrow <333 
            it did give me the opportunity to unpublish my ONC attempt cuz i will turn it (hopefully lol) into a novel, and I did do some edits to MoU - but i was a dum dum and unpublished it first then had to republish it :,)) - it will still need to be reedited but i believe it can (somewhat) stand on its own if u are still interested in checking it out (i only took down the 'aesthetics' cuz my inner designer tho it deserves much better and will redo those at a later day) so yes the just 4 chapters of it are still available. (again, sellout behavior =)))) sorry). 
            will take full note of ur recs as well <333


Thank you so much for such an incredibly kind, lovely reply T_T <3 It means so much. If you love dark vibes, then yeah, that Dark Anthology is definitely the one that will be more up your alley <3 I am so glad you've been enjoying them. 
            Yeah, I saw that Mischief of Us was on hold, but that's okay. I'm looking forward to reading it, and don't worry, I love fluff and cute stuff <3  (I know it doesn't seem like it from my dark anthology, but I swear, I'm versatile, I like a lot of different stuff XD). It's so cool that it's all connected! Lessons in Landing sounds super interesting too. It's going to be hard picking one >_< (your sales-pitch was very informative though! XD)
            Thank you! <3 You really don't have to. I have brief summaries of every short in my anthologies in their "book summary" sections, if you want to search for themes/genres you're interested in. If you enjoy dark stuff, the Dark anthology is obviously the best one for that (I have a feeling you'll like "The Doll Maker"). In the other non-dark anthology "The Jester's Smile" has a character with a very dark backstory. And in "We Dream in One's and Zeros", you will not get any darker than "The Poison We Breathe". I hope that helps! <3 <3 <3
            Again, thank you so much for all the comments and replies. You're amazing <3


@MPRCunha no problem. i really am eating up your shorts. even if so far i only checked the dark anthology ones. if there are particular ones u highly recommend do let me know so i will prioritize those <333 i am a sucker for such dark vibes and really love ur writing style. it is incisive and so draws you in and captures the haunting-cursed-psychological-trauma-etc facets very well. 
            and thank u for loving the covers. i always tweak them around. and ofc Mischief of Us is currently on hold cuz i wanna edit more thoroughly the first chapters but they are def readable and out there - it is a wholly self-indulgent work so expect a lot of fluff and cute shenanigans. all my stories are connected within the same -verse featuring the same fictional family just in different tones. Fledgling was my ONC attempt but i actually wanna write it as a novel i have the wip for a first chapter ready so i should probably unpublish it but meh - will do it once i upload 'the novel' version soon. Lessons in Landing is new - have about half written out and will upload weekly. it is a more 'serious' work tackling coming-of-age teenhood first feels and self-image in a polarizing world sorta thing. i am rambling now like a saleman. not my intention. :,))) 
            again really love ur style. i do wanna eventually end up checking all ur stuff but if u have a few shorts in particular u are most excited about do drop them as recs to me <333333


your covers are gorgeous omg!


@clownceo thank you so much  I made the design for LiL and Fledgling ones. The MoU one is a placeholder until I figure out how to make all three 'match' style wise 
            I do love playing around and making covers tho! Here are some examples I messed around creating if anyone is ever curious


Thanks so much for the follow :-)


@Furu_Sat0 Awesome! I hope you like it then! That is the only basketball one, though there are some other ones with other sports, and lots of others depending on what you're into.


@Loiosh anytime <333 just came across your Flagrant Foul story and any bball and gxg story is an instant super-like to me. cant wait to read it this weekend !!