
oops, that would be an NRC inspector.


Thank you for each vote on my journey too the end of Dangerous Skies. It's not really an ending just a beginning of one infinite possibility. I'm looking forward to the start of my second draft after finishing my current chapter. Again, thank you for your votes of encouragement. It has helped imagination! Cheers.
          Write on,
          Scot Morrison
          Dangerous Skies


I see you're still active on Wattpad. I've been MIA for a long time. I'm working on book 3 of the Vecto series, though. Hopefully I can finish it and have it published next year. I doubt I'll release it for free on Wattpad, but I'll keep you in mind when giving away free copies.


            Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I've been on and off with wattpad for a while. I've had some medical issues to deal with.
            Vecto has always been one of my favorite stories on wattpad. 
            I wish you the best of luck in having your Vecto series published.
            Break a leg, eh that doesn't work. How about break a finger or pen? Anyway, I wish you all the luck in the world. 


Thanks for following Dangerous Skies! I'm currently wrapping-up Chapter 11 | The Mission. My chapters are edits in-progress while I finish my first novel-in-draft. Please enjoy my story about love rebelling against the tyranny of fear.
          Write on,


Hi Floyd,
          Interesting profile notes. 
          Thanks for voting on my VISITOR books. Hope you continue to enjoy it. 
          My other SF novel is MINDSLIP which is about a local star turning supernova.
          If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.