Hi! I'm Fearless.  I go by this name on most platforms that i'm on if you ever see me, just say hi! 

My wife and I have been married for three years and we're about as gay as it gets.

I have been a fan of all things 'House of El' since I was child. So, of course I love Supercorp, but I have respect for Karmel.

Most of the stories that I will write here are just ideas running around in my overactive brain. I hope you enjoy them. I update on Tuesday so be looking for that.
  • Following Waldo wherever he goes
  • JoinedSeptember 22, 2019

Story by Fearless0602
Supergirls vs Doomsday by Fearless0602
Supergirls vs Doomsday
Both Lena and Kara stood there in shock as they took in Supergirl's appearance. Her uniform was a deep red an...