My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Breaking Benjamin, Pierce the Veil, Led Zeppelin, Ed Sheeran, Icon For Hire, Relient K, Hollywood Undead, Bring Me The Horizon, Sleeping With Sirens, The Offspring, Falling in Reverse, Avenged Sevenfold... you get the picture.

Harry Potter, Twilight (ew. what. gross.), Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, The Hunger Games (meh), Some Star Wars spin-off jazz, The Golden Compass, If I Stay/Where She Went, Divergent... this is depressing me.

Connor Franta, Zoella, Caspar Lee, Joe Sugg, Amazingphil, Danisnotonfire, Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa.

The Labyrinth, The Never Ending Story, Artificial Intelligence, Flight of the Navigator, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, EVERYTHING INVOLVING SUPER BEINGS! Marvel...DC... yeah. Also... Disney? *blush* Disney.

Superman is my life. Captain America, Thor, Spiderman, Iron Man (bc he's fly af)... Batman IS NOT my favorite. woah, did that just happen!? imagine that.

Wow, I sound like a 13 year old boy. Oh, have you not already guessed? I'm a 14 year old FEMALE.

Percico, Reynabeth, Frerard (Gee & Lynz are perf but Frerard would be hot af and Gee is so damn sassy. Flaming.), Lashton, lushlaws... Idek. I obviously love gay ships. k?

I play Clarinet. Problem!? I thought so...

I love Tomb Raider and have gamer rage that breaks my grammar and makes me string curses together in a way that makes no sense. Like a 9 year old boy trying to be cool.

This bio is so fun, but I love everything so omggg longgg.

I have more personal info on my Twitter so if you want the URL just PM me. We can be theoretical lovers.

WARNING: Don't get too close, babes! I'll pee in your pool, shave your dog, and steal all the food in the kitchen... I know you hide food under your bed. I've seen it. Yeah, taking that too.
  • JoinedDecember 20, 2014

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Fawkes_the_Phoenix Fawkes_the_Phoenix Dec 21, 2014 03:50AM
Fiction forever.
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