
I'm thinking of changing the story line of Unknown Alpha like, they'll still be wolves but instead of just being mates they'll be more or less open to dating other people or should I make them humans? 


Hey guys I know I haven't posted in a LONG time but I just wanted to let you all know that I'll FINALLY be working on Unknown Alpha
           I'll be editing and changing up a lot of things about the story.  I'm going to try and making the chapters longer so please bare with me.  It's finals week so i might update sometime this week or next week,  whenever I can.  If you guys have any request, comments, or questions, feel free to message me. See you soon! 


Hey guys I know it's been a WHILE since I've updated due to writers block, school and other reasons but just wanted to let you guys know that a new chapter of Unknown Alpha should be up by tonight and if not by Sunday at the latest. ALSO I will NOT be editing any of the grammar errors or things of that nature until December which is when I plan on finishing the book. And I'm still undecided about how long the book will be but I'll be either combining or adding to existing chapters so yeah, be on the look out and be expecting some updates pretty soon


Don't let the tiniest things ruin your day. Don't let anything get in the way of you enjoying your life each day.  And if you are having a bad day, surround yourself with the people who love and care about you to pick yourself back up again. Because that tiny problem has no right to distract you from the ones that care about you.


@Sirabi of course chocolate is woooh! Love it actually just had some


@Sirabi chocolate Buddy?


chocolate buddy?