

Don't self harm. You're beautiful. You're amazing. You're loved. Nothing is worth your tears. Wanting to die is giving up. Don't give up, giving up eliminates all chances of things getting better. You're worth it. Your life is not being wasted, you are a ball of potential. Don't hate yourself, you're perfect just the way you are. Your imperfections are what make you human. You're beautiful. Everything is beautiful, don't compare yourself to others. Flowers are beautiful but so are Christmas lights and they look nothing alike. If you feel the urge to cause pain for yourself, reach out to someone you trust. Sometimes talking about things help a lot. You are not alone in this world. You are important. You are not a mistake, everything happens for a reason. Things will get better as long as you believe that they will. Always have hope for a better future. Don't give up. 


@BelieverOfAllFandoms preach. this is beautiful. thank you. :')


I read your Scorlily book when I didn’t have a wattpad account and was online and now I’ve found it again and I’m just like “YAS”
           Also I was reading your description and I ship most of the ships you ship.
          Okie dokie have a nice day!


Thanks, I'm glad you like my Scorlily book. I was looking through it a while back and decided to revise and edit it and its good to hear that you enjoyed it so far.