
@NicoleTrushinski Thanks a lot for that :) I will have to investigate in the morning as I keep falling asleep :P I will read your story then when I'm more awake so don't worry I havent forgotten


after I read your Bio i genuinely felt like you would like some of the poems i do. I present an understandable message but also leave my poems open enough for self interpretation. hopefully, you dont mind checking me out .


Rockaway days I heard it in 1999 when Tracks was released I brought it straight away £80. Now you can buy  for £15 from amazon.
          What you want to check out is the Lost Masters. 

          and a song called Crazy Rocker

          and this one which kicks ass


I give you a tip to save you buying guitar strings.
          Every once in a while spray a little bit of furniture polish onto an clothe and go across each string gently and this will pick up all the dirt.
          Earbuds are good as well for getting in between the strings.
          I play the electric, so I'm not sure if it will work on an acoustic, but the last time I brought strings was six months ago, but now I need to buy them because my guitar is beginning to buzz. You can make strings last but not forever.
          And now I'm out of here. Full stop, back soon.


About two years I think.
           My girlfriend daughter had one of those 18 frets guitar, the only thing it was right hand. So I learned to play the chords upside down, and then got myself a fairly cheap left hand guitar with 22 frets and learn the chords the right way round.
           And yes you can play Downbound Train with just downstrokes.
          Adam Raised A Cain
          EM/G You play the EM chord but hit the G string which is on the third fret off the low E string and release.
          AM/G Again you play the AM chord but hit the G string which is on the third fret off the low E string and release.
          And then its AM C B7 AND D
          Back to the EM/G
          Because The Night (I only know some of the chords, but its near enough the full song)
          BM G A D C FM but what you do to get that dark tone before you go back to the BM chords is move your first finger across the 2nd and 3rd frets.
          G release 2ND finger on G note and that's the rhythm
          Its then AM and G 
          The Bridge section is 
          C G D and back to G and AM
          Stolen Car
          Two ways of playing this
          G and C
          G CM7
          Enjoy your playing. I'm off to write now. Bye


Thank you very much for those, will spend tomorrow going through them and learning them :) 
            I have been really trying to play rockaway the days (its not so well known so there it is if you have not heard it before. I have managed to figure out it is pretty much E, D, A for the most of it. Although am not having a great time trying to get a strumming pattern to fit, so far I am on D, du,du,du (until I am done with that line and then when I get back to E I start with another D) although it doesn't quite feel right to me. 
            I will now take up your advice and wipe my strings clean so that they don't rust so quickly. That's pretty impressive playing electric, I have two acoustics and one electric. But I would 100% say I am an acoustic guitarist, much better playing a rhythm on that than on an electric.


Unfortunately no, and in 78 I was only two years of age. I'm still trying to figure out the lick for Candy Room and the 78 Prove it all night intro, so I can play it on my guitar but I'm hopeless at learning tabs. Chords I got no problems.
          I do remember the hype when Born in the U.S.A came out, even though I was only ten at the time.


Ahh yeah, I have the same disappointment but I was miles away from being born (1994) so not really much I could have done about missing that! 
            It was seeing Springsteen at hard rock calling last year that led me to start playing guitar. I haven't had a look at them songs yet but I will try and check them out. Would quite like to learn downbound train too. I am told that most of Bruce's playing is not too technical and just a case of practising lots rather than needing great talent. 
            The first time I heard Springsteen was when he did the super bowl, I stayed up really late listening to the commentary on my radio and the commentators being English didn't really understand what was going on in the match and they just kept talking about how excited they were to hear this guy called Bruce Springsteen playing at half time. So I stayed up waiting for this after they had bigged him up to biblical proportions and he came on and sung Glory days, working on a dream and born to run and I completely understood why they were worshipping him.


Ah the first Bruce Springsteen fan I found on here. Spotted it right away with your user name. 
          I think his darkness tour was probably his best era.


Hey! Yeah massive springsteen fan, I have seen him twice, once at hard rock calling in 2012 and then last year at wembley. I would agree looking at the youtube videos that the 78 tour was brilliant, I love the 78 version of prove it all night! Have you seen him live? Did you catch the 78 tour?