
Hello! Hola! Aloha!
          	Lately, I have been reading a lot of fanfics by @TheAmazingMaddy. If you like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson then you will LOVE her stories. Even if you haven't read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, I would still suggest that you go and check out her stories.


Hello! Hola! Aloha!
          Lately, I have been reading a lot of fanfics by @TheAmazingMaddy. If you like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson then you will LOVE her stories. Even if you haven't read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, I would still suggest that you go and check out her stories.


I want you to know that your an amazing person. If I do t get this back, I understand. But I (and this challenge as a whole). Have a game for you. Once you read this message you must send this to 15 people if you get three back you are loved ❤️


I want you to know that your an amazing person. If I do t get this back, I understand. But I (and this challenge as a whole). Have a game for you. Once you read this message you must send this to 15 people if you get three back you are loved ❤️


Hey friends! So people have been wondering if GT followers are a thing. Well, GT means something like follow back in Turkish. I think GT followers are a thing and so I just want to warn you. Most of the people who are following me are GT followers so please let me know if you aren't one so that I can follow you back. If someone has a ton of followers and no books or they have GT follower in their bio, then unfollow them and mute them. I just want everyone to be safe.


Hey yall! @ilovebobamilktea333 has informed me that she had been mistaken and that there aren't any GT followers on the loose. I am so sorry. I refollowing all of you. 


            TYSM FOR THIS!❤ 
            I FEEL SO BAD RIGHT NOW! TvT


What is a “GT follower”?


Ummmm, my follow button sorta stopped working because @Ravenclaw_Doggo insisted that she should control my screen (on video chat) because she loves pressing the follow button (I don't know why). I will refollow the rest of you when I figure out how to get the button to actually work. Please be patient. 