Romania | Books, Music, Line art, Horses, Wolves, Owls, Foxes, Adventures, Photography, Movies, Acting etc. |
Imi place sa scriu si sa citesc creatiile altor persoane, deci daca ai o poveste si vrei sa mi-o recomanzi, da-mi un mesaj in privat cu numele si autorul. O sa incerc sa raspund la mesaj cat pot de repede si daca imi place, o s-o adaug intr-o lista de lecturi. Cartea poate fi de orice gen, completa sau in curs de completare, in proza sau in versuri, in engleza sau romana.
De asemenea, daca ai o pana de idei, scrie-mi si poate te ajut cu o idee pe care o vei putea dezvolta si personaliza.
I like to write and read others creations, so if you have a story and you want to recommend it, send it to me in a private message with the name of the story and the author. I will try to answer the message as fast as I can and if I like it, I will put it in a list. The book can be on whatever category, complete or ongoing, prose or verse, in English or Romanian.
Also, if you have wedge ideas, write to me and maybe I can help you with an idea or something, that you can develop or personalize it.
My apologize if I wrote something wrong.

  • Lost in Memory
  • JoinedMay 13, 2013